With These 6 Alternative Treatments Effectively Combating Fatty Liver

If you are already following a treatment to combat fatty liver, you should first consult your doctor before using these alternatives. Because some could otherwise develop the opposite effect

Effectively fight fatty liver with these 6 alternative uses

Fatty liver, also known as hepatic steatosis in medical circles, is a disease that is becoming increasingly common. This is mainly caused by a high-fat diet and a lack of exercise. How can you  fight fatty liver ?

It occurs when fatty acids and triglycerides accumulate in the liver cells. They can take between 5 and 10% of the weight of the organ.

The development of fatty liver is directly related to the metabolic syndrome. But it can also arise from excessive alcohol consumption.

Even if this problem is a reversible disease, if it is not recognized in time, serious complications can arise and other functions of the body can be negatively affected.

The problem, however, is that fatty liver disease is usually not accompanied by noticeable symptoms, especially at the beginning. In the majority of cases it develops unnoticed.

Fortunately, there are several forms of alternative treatment. If taken regularly, they will help fight the disease before it can affect your quality of life.

In the following part we want to introduce the 6 best alternative therapy options with which you can fight fatty liver . If you already suspect that you have fatty liver, you can try it out right away.

It’s best to write it down right away!

1. Fight fatty liver with tea with ginger

ginger tea

The root of the ginger plant contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying ingredients. These can be of great use in the treatment of fatty liver.

The gingerol, which gives the root its characteristic taste, acts as a powerful antioxidant and fat blocker. This will reduce the accumulation of fats in the liver.

The ginger eliminates particles that cause oxidative stress in the body. Such oxidative stress is associated with the development of fatty liver.

How should you proceed?

  • Prepare yourself a fresh tea with ginger. Use the fresh root for this. After brewing, you can take the tea up to three times a day.
  • Drink the tea for two consecutive weeks.

2. Tea from the boldo plant

The Boldo shrub is one of the digestive plants. He’s been an ally when it comes to liver health for hundreds of years.

Its detoxifying properties support the functioning of the liver and the gallbladder. This increases the liver’s ability to metabolize fat.

The tea from the Boldo bush is recommended to dissolve gallstones. Because it cleans the bile ducts through which the bile acids are carried towards the intestines.

How should you proceed?

  • Get some leaves of the Boldo bush in your favorite herb shop and use them to make the delicious tea.
  • Drink the tea twice a day for a week.

3. Fight the fatty liver with juice from radishes

Radish juice

The antioxidants found in radishes help break down the fats stored in the liver. This strengthens the liver’s ability to cleanse itself.

The radish juice improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Both are types of fat that make the treatment of fatty liver much more difficult.

How should you proceed?

  • Get some radishes and put them in the blender. Mix the ingredients until you get a creamy juice without pieces.
  • Then you rub the juice through a sieve and drink it every day.

4. Chard tea

A natural drink made from Swiss chard contains antioxidant and detoxifying ingredients. When absorbed , they support the functioning of the liver as soon as fatty meals are consumed.

The active ingredients of the Swiss chard control the inflammation that occurs as part of the disease and at the same time stimulate the elimination of toxins.

How should you proceed?

  • Put a few leaves of Swiss chard in a bowl of water. Let the chard simmer over a low flame for 5 minutes. Then pass the mixture through a sieve and you get the finished juice.
  • Consume 2 or 3 glasses a day for 2 weeks.

5. Fight fatty liver with grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice

Natural grapefruit juice is a wonderful solution for those with fatty liver disease. Because the grapefruit helps to cure the disease.

One of the ingredients, called naringenin, acts as a powerful antioxidant to fight the accumulation of fats in the liver.

The diuretic effect also promotes the elimination of fluids and reduces inflammation in the tissue.

The grapefruit is also a great ally in the fight against metabolic syndrome.

It is a disease that is closely related to fatty liver disease and which, if not treated, can lead to obesity.

How should you proceed?

  • Juice 6 fresh grapefruits, then add a little sweetness to them with a spoonful of honey.
  • Drink the juice on an empty stomach for at least 2 consecutive weeks.

6. Milk thistle tea

Tea made from milk thistle seeds is one of the most popular alternative treatments for controlling fatty liver.

The protective and anti-inflammatory properties for the liver help protect the cells of the liver and reduce the accumulation of fats.

How should you proceed?

  • Make a tea from the seeds of the milk thistle. Or buy a tea from the nutritional supplement section of a herbal store.
  • Drink the tea once a day.

All of the therapy options mentioned have positive effects on the healing of fatty liver.

However , it is necessary to supplement them with a healthy, low-fat diet. This is how you get the best results.

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