Why You Should Avoid Soft Drinks

Commercial soft drinks seem harmless, but every time you drink one, it is bad for your health. It is time to break bad habits.

Why you should avoid soft drinks

Soft drinks are delicious thirst quenchers, but they are also a real sugar bomb that our organism can only cope with by sacrificing its natural balance for it. Therefore, the current pleasure in consuming commercial soft drinks leads to a variety of health problems in the long run.

Even drinks advertised as light and low in calories are just as harmful. Although they use alternative sweeteners instead of sugar, they have been shown to cause obesity and also increase appetite.

The American Heart Association recommends consuming less than 25 grams of sugar per day for adults and even less for children. A small can of soda with about 340 ml contains 39 grams of sugar and additional sweeteners.

Knowing the problems caused by soft drinks is a good motivation to find alternatives that really quench your thirst and are healthy.

Commercial soft drinks and their effects on health

Soft drinks
New studies have shown a wide range of negative health effects of soft drinks.

Soft drinks make the liver fat

The fructose of sugar and corn syrup found in commercial soft drinks can be metabolized by the liver, but  studies show that excess fructose is stored in the form of fat. While some of this fat turns into triglycerides in the blood, the rest of it stays in the liver.

They cause obesity

Soft drinks lead to obesity
Excessive consumption of this type of drink promotes the accumulation of belly fat.

In addition to fat in the liver, the fructose is also converted into belly fat. It has been proven to be a major cause of diabetes and heart disease.

Soft drinks increase the insulin content

Insulin brings the glucose in the blood to the cells, but the soft drinks cause the cells to become unresponsive to the glucose due to insulin resistance. When that happens, the pancreas begins to make an excess of this hormone.

This phenomenon is known as metabolic syndrome, which leads to high blood pressure and an excess of fat or triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, as well as many other problems.

They can cause diabetes

Soft drinks can cause diabetes
The sugar contained in soft drinks promotes insulin resistance, which causes diabetes.

A study conducted with 170 participants led by the Center for Preventive Research at Stanford University, California, showed that daily consumption of commercial soft drinks increased the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Soft drinks increase the risk of cancer

Another study carried out on sixty thousand people in different countries found that those who drink at least two soft drinks a week have an 87% higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

They cause heart problems

Soft drinks are harmful to heart health
Changes in the levels of fat and sugar in the blood increase the risk of heart disease.

Soft drinks cause the amount of potassium in the body to drop below the normal level. This can cause the so-called Lange QT syndrome, which is abnormalities in the potassium and sodium channels of the heart and causes irregular heartbeat.

They can weaken the bones

One of the ingredients in soft drinks is phosphoric acid, which is used for preservation. Phosphorus is necessary for the organism, especially for the brain and memory functions. Even so, an excess is problematic.

Calcium and phosphorus are in balance in our body. When the amount of phosphorus increases, calcium absorption is prevented. Continuous consumption of soft drinks can lead to calcium deficiency and diseases such as osteoporosis.

Stomach problems from soft drinks

Stomach problems from soft drinks
The consumption of soft drinks has been linked to bacterial overpopulation and intestinal changes.

Both the sugars and the artificial sweeteners in the case of diet drinks encourage the overgrowth of bacterial cultures in the intestine, especially bad bacteria.

The excess of bacteria can trigger irritable bowel syndrome, which can lead to problems such as an irritated bowel, immune deficiencies, and even memory loss.   

Artificial sweeteners, in particular, are associated with the multiplication of the bacterium Clostridium difficile , which has been one of the main causes of gastric infections in recent years, according to studies by Dr. Robert Briton of Baylor College of Medicine.

How can you replace soft drinks?

Without a doubt, the healthiest drink is water. “It doesn’t matter if it’s pure, sparkling, or flavored. The important thing is that it doesn’t contain sugar or sweeteners, ”says Allison Sylvestky of Georgetown University in Washington.

  • Carbonated water with taste. It’s a great way to get started because it’s similar in texture to soft drinks.
  • Cold tea. It’s refreshing, contains caffeine, just like many soft drinks, and you can sweeten it with a spoonful of honey.
  • Mineral water with fruits. You can try making a fruit juice to suit your taste and adding bottled water to mimic a soft drink.
  • Amniotic fluid. Prepare a pitcher of fruit slices, such as lemon, orange, pineapple, apples, strawberries, or any other fruit, and fill it with water and ice cubes. Then let it stand for a while and you will always have a delicious and refreshing drink on hand.
  • Natural juices. You can also try drinking natural juices right away. Don’t add sugar because they already contain the natural fructose. But do not replace the soft drinks with commercial fruit juices, as these also contain additional sugar.
  • Kombucha. A slightly more exotic, but very healthy drink. It is a fermented tea with a high content of probiotics. Kombucha tastes slightly sour, but you can get used to its taste over time.
  • Coconut water. It’s delicious, very refreshing, and full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

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