Which Gymnastics Against Cellulite?

The goal of gymnastics against cellulite is to tighten the connective tissue and improve the blood circulation in the affected area.

Which gymnastics for cellulite?

With gymnastics against cellulite you achieve more than with expensive creams. You shouldn’t expect any miracles, however, because gymnastics is particularly effective preventive and not only when you already have particularly pronounced cellulite.

When does gymnastics against cellulite make sense?

The aim of gymnastics against cellulite is to tighten the connective tissue. It doesn’t have to be competitive sport to tighten your connective tissue, but chips on the sofa have not yet made orange peel off your thighs!

Try to basically integrate more exercise into your everyday life.

Make sure that the muscles of the buttocks and thighs are stressed: climbing stairs, cycling, walking – no extreme sports, no club sports, but simply to do on the way to work!

Gymnastics for cellulite can also help at home. If you exercise regularly!

Even if you don’t think about sports, you can still do sports: how about squats in front of the sink while brushing your teeth ? Park the car further away from home or work? Impose an elevator ban? Inflate the bike again and cover the everyday distances with it instead of getting into the car all the time?

It doesn’t have to be a sports studio, you don’t need expensive sports equipment: it is only important that the blood circulation in the “problem zone” is stimulated through movement and the connective tissue is tightened.

Small side effect: more exercise means more basal metabolic rate – the scales also go down!

Gymnastics against cellulite

Why normal weight is better

To make gymnastics more effective against cellulite, you should work very seriously to achieve a normal weight. Because the more fat has to be stored in the connective tissue, the more pronounced the cellulite appears. The less fat you have on your buttocks and thighs, the less intense the cellulite will be.

Weight reduction is essential to keep cellulite as low as possible.

Since being overweight is also responsible for a large number of secondary diseases and health risks, you should pay attention to a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and little fat, not just for visual reasons. If the weight stays within limits, so does the cellulite!

Climbing stairs against cellulite

Stair jumping

If you’re already taking the stairs instead of the elevator, that’s a big step forward. If you’re still getting on the elevator, this is the first place to start. If you are already ready to run up the stairs, even to the top floor, then an increase is waiting for you: stair hopping!

When climbing the stairs, try to set yourself changing tasks with which you master the stairs. A few more floors than you would have to go to your home or work anyway. Ideas for this are for example:

  • Skip every other stage.
  • Walk every other flight of stairs as quickly as possible to the next landing.
  • Hop up from step to step with your legs closed.
  • Try hopping up the stairs on one leg.

    In the beginning it will be difficult for you, but you will see that your muscles, which are necessary for jumping, build up through daily stair jumping and the exercises become easier and easier for you.

    Perhaps it will work out soon with the heavy shopping bags in hand or a stack of files that you only take every second step?

    Exercises against cellulite


    This exercise against cellulite can be increased at will. Start without weights and then increase the load more and more by picking up weights (or water bottles).

    Stand straight and upright with your legs hip-width apart. Then step forward with one leg so your thigh is at a right angle to the floor.

    Make sure that the second leg, which is now bent, does not touch the floor. So you should keep the tension.

    Then straighten yourself up slowly and in a controlled manner and do the lunge step with the other leg.

    At least 10 repetitions are necessary. The slower you do the movement, the more effective the exercise will be. Those who work quickly and with momentum have a lower effect of this gymnastics against cellulite.

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