What Could Prevent Wrinkles Under The Eyes

In order to reduce expression lines and moisturize the skin, it is advisable to apply some petroleum jelly to the eye area before going to bed.

What could prevent against wrinkles under the eyes

The eyes are the window to the soul and the point at which our brain stops when we talk to someone … Here you can find out what can prevent  wrinkles under the eyes.

Collagen and elastin are fibers in our skin cells that give it resilience and elasticity.  However, the production of collagen or elastin decreases over time, so that the skin slackens and loses its elasticity.

The  area under the eyes is particularly sensitive. In addition, the face is particularly often exposed to the sun’s rays, which are harmful to the skin. What can be done to prevent  wrinkles under the eyes ?

Most of the wrinkles under the eyes, however, are genetic and unfortunately we cannot change this. But we can learn to take care of the skin to delay the appearance of wrinkles. You can learn more about it in this article.

Prevention of wrinkles under the eyes

  • Protein tightens the skin, this is generally known. It not only prevents sagging skin, but also helps against skin wrinkles.

  • Avocados contain a lot of vitamin E,  stimulate collagen production and consequently help against premature skin aging. This fruit is also highly recommended against dermatitis and acne. An avocado face mask moisturizes the skin and contains important fatty acids, which are also particularly beneficial for the fine skin under the eyes. Vitamin B and E will give your skin a new shine.
  • The cucumber is a classic that should never be missing. It consists of 96% water and is rich in vitamins C and E and essential fatty acids. It is best to apply some cucumber juice to the affected areas. The health-promoting properties of cucumber reduce dark circles and also refresh tired and puffy eyes.

  • A good night’s sleep is essential. A lack of sleep can lead to bags under the eyes, dry skin and, consequently, to wrinkles.

More tips

  • Take plenty of water. This is very important to keep the water balance in balance. Using a moisturizing face cream also helps prevent dry skin and wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Before going to bed, use a cotton ball to apply a mixture of olive oil, milk and a little rose water to the eye area. So this area is then supplied with moisture and relaxed.
  • Attention! When applying face masks or creams, the skin should not be tightened. Apply with gentle dabs until the skin absorbs the product. To achieve positive results, constancy is of great importance.
  • Use eye shadow for make-up, which is gentle on the eyes and makes them shine.  We recommend using a cream eyeshadow, which also provides moisture.
  • We recommend the following relaxing exercise for the eyes: Close your eyes briefly and relax. Then open as far as possible until the muscles are tense. Then repeat this exercise several times.
  • Do not forget! The area under the eyes is very sensitive and should be treated gently.

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