Visual, Kinesthetic Or Auditory Perception?

It is possible that characteristics from the different areas apply to you, but you identify with one of the most. Our character is strongly influenced by our sensory perception.

Visual, kinesthetic or auditory perception?

Our constantly recorded sensory impressions are processed and converted into useful information, but the perception is different for everyone.

Of the five senses – smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing – two more are used than the veins. Do you want to know which sense dominates you?

How do you communicate with the outside world?

This theory of the senses became known through neurolinguistic programming (NLP). The world in which we live is perceived differently by each person.

This point of view is amazing and it is worth taking a closer look at it. Most likely, you are also using two senses particularly intensively. This is then related to the prevailing dominance of the respective hemisphere.

If the left hemisphere dominates, you are better at logical thinking and usually very well. However, if the  right brain is dominant, you are likely to be more flexible and innovative. 

The psychology of neurolinguistics deals with this area to find out how we humans interpret the world that surrounds us.

Would you now like to know which type you belong to? Then discover in this article whether your visual, kinesthetic or auditory perception predominates.

1. Visual perception


Are you a person who needs absolute quiet while reading as well as listening? This phenomenon is typical for people with a visual dominance. You need rest to concentrate. 

It is also possible that you listen to music to relax while driving, but switch the music off again when looking for a specific road or when you need to be very careful so that you can concentrate properly.

These people have a lot of energy  and observe everything intensely with their eyes. They appreciate the detail of things and few aspects are not considered.

In order to memorize something, these people prefer to look at pictures or to help themselves with short notes. The visual perception type mostly loves the tranquility of nature and the woods to relax.

2. Auditory perception

Are you a person who likes to express their thoughts out loud? It may seem strange to other people, but many have this habit. You put your thoughts into words, talk to yourself and can also process feelings in this way.

The  auditory perception type  usually likes to listen to other people and remembers things better when listening actively than when reading.

These people are mostly very expressive personalities and great communication talents. They rarely miss anything and are even able to follow a conversation while listening to music at the same time.

The auditory perception type can do several things at the same time and, in contrast to visual people, they can concentrate well even with background noises.

3. Kinesthetic perception

Emotions 2

What are your preferences Do you like to work with your hands? Can you cook well? Do you love the craft? Do you like to work outside? Do you have a garden and do you love to watch the plants grow? Do you do sport? If so, you are likely to be predominantly kinesthetic.

Neurolinguistic programming explains that kinesthetic people tend to be calm and strong emotional. They love all activities that are done with their hands. These people like to explore new things and do not like to be told or explained by others.

They like to hug other people and also like tenderness. You can also enjoy the food. The kinesthetic type of perception is more spontaneous, moreover it mostly does not concentrate on details (such as visually influenced people).

Even if you use all your senses, of course, one of them is dominant. It is normal to be more likely to identify with one type of perception. For example, visual people tend to be more relaxed than auditory or kinesthetic people.

It is obvious that our perceptual abilities are different. It is interesting that everyone also perceives the reality of the environment in a different way.

This is related to the personality, depending on whether the person is calm or nervous, whether he is spontaneous or rather thoughtful, more communicative or more reserved, etc.

It depends on how we see things and on our senses how we perceive them.

And you, how do you communicate with the world? Are you a visual, an auditory, or a kinesthetic person?

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