To Cleanse The Liver: Beetroot And Dark Raisins

The raisins contain a lot of resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps the liver cells to regenerate. Beetroot is very rich in fiber and thus promotes the elimination of metabolic waste products and toxins

To cleanse the liver: beetroot and dark raisins

We seldom give it the importance it has to our well-being. The liver fulfills countless tasks without which our organism would not be able to survive. Beetroot and raisins can help with liver cleansing.

The liver cleanses the blood of toxins, which we then bring into the body through food. These substances are then conveyed to the intestine via the bile and finally excreted.

We should therefore strive to take better care of our livers. In this article we will introduce you to remedies that use beetroot and dark raisins. With this, an effective liver cleanse can be carried out. Try it!

Before we start: the properties of the ingredients

Both dark raisins and beetroot are very good for our health. Both can and should have a permanent place in our menu.

First of all, we want to show the advantages of the two main ingredients that we need for our beverages to cleanse the liver.

Let’s start with the beetroot. Beetroot has been used in medicine since ancient times because it is known about its health-promoting effects. Beetroot can:

  • detoxify the organism (e.g. in combination with cucumber, tomato and onion),
  • delay the aging process,
  • increase the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is needed in bad mood and depression,
  • stimulate the brain,
  • Prevent cardiovascular diseases,
  • provide strong arteries and bones,
  • stimulate the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells, which is particularly important in anemia and leukemia ,
  • improve the health of women who are pregnant or then menstruating
  • increase gastric juice production,
  • Prevent constipation and then contribute to complete emptying of the bowel,
  • stimulate the excretion of metabolic end products and toxins via the liver,
  • refine the complexion ,
  • stimulate the growth of hair and nails,
  • avoid the accumulation of liquid in the tissue,
  • the weight loss support,
  • prevent the development and growth of malignant tumors.


Now let’s continue with the dark raisins. They are also very nutritious and have a myriad of benefits, not just for the liver! The main properties of dark raisins include:

  • Raisins are high in nutritional value and very high in energy, which makes them an ideal food for athletes as well as other people who do a lot of physical exertion.
  • Raisins strengthen us, awaken our spirits, because they contain a lot of proteins and vitamins.
  • They help with fatigue and stress.
  • Raisins prevent memory problems and increase the efficiency of the brain.
  • They have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect .
  • They also have antimicrobial and antipyretic effects.
  • The symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis are reduced.
  • In anemia, raisins are indicated because they contain a lot of iron and support the synthesis of red blood cells.
  • Raisins are recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • As they contain a lot of calcium, they promote the remineralization of the bones and support the prophylaxis and therapy of osteoporosis.
  • Raisins act as natural acid inhibitors and thus protect the stomach lining.
  • They help with constipation and ensure the formation of large-volume stools.
  • Body weight can be increased with the help of raisins , as they can be part of a hypercaloric diet due to their high energy content.
  • They make you feel full and reduce your appetite, which can be of great help with food cravings.
  • They help us to keep our eyes healthy and provide them with important nutrients. It is therefore recommended to all those who suffer from cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, night blindness or tired eyes or who want to prevent these diseases.
  • Raisins support colon cancer prophylaxis.

Two recipes for the liver: with the best of raisins and beetroot


Since a healthy liver is a basic requirement for this organ to fulfill its central function in the metabolism, we support it through our diet. A healthy, balanced diet supplemented with detoxifying juices is ideal for this.

We’ll introduce you to two drinks and you can choose what you like best:

Juice made from raisins, beetroot and whole wheat flour

You can drink this drink as part of a detox regimen.


  • 700 g beetroot
  • 2 tbsp wholemeal flour
  • 200 g cane sugar
  • 100 g dark raisins
  • 2 liters of water


  • Glass vessel with a capacity of 3 liters
  • Wooden spoon


  • Cut the beetroot into cubes and place them in the glass jar. Add the whole wheat flour, cane sugar and raisins.
  • Pour hot, no longer boiling water over the whole thing. Give it a good stir, then let it cool down.
  • Cover it with a cloth that lets you breathe, then let the mixture ferment for 24 hours.
  • Then pour it off and keep the liquid. Of these, the liver daily three tablespoons during the treatment to purify drinking. The rest can be frozen in three months until the next detox treatment.

Mixed drink made from raisins, beetroot and lemon

Beetroot Juice

This is a slightly milder alternative to cleansing the liver that can be drunk at any time of the day. It’s delicious, refreshing and healthy.


  • 300 g beetroot
  • ½ cup of raisins
  • Juice of two lemons
  • 2½ cups of water (625 ml)


  • citrus press
  • pot
  • mixer


  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan. Meanwhile, you can cut the beetroot into small cubes.
  • Remove the water from the stove as soon as it boils.
  • Add the beetroot and raisins, cover and let sit for 45 minutes to permeate and cool.
  • Then the mixture goes into the blender. Process everything well until you get a homogeneous, creamy juice.
  • Squeeze the lemons and add their juice to the previous mixture. Stir again.
  • Drink the juice on an empty stomach daily for a week.

    And when and where can I still have raisins and beetroot?

    Not only can you prepare and enjoy the juices described above, but you can also let your liver enjoy raisins and beetroot in other ways. You can use them to prepare both savory and sweet dishes.

    Beetroot can be eaten raw or cooked, grated or cut into pieces, it is particularly good in salads.

    Dark raisins are a great addition to orange juice, and they can also be used to refine yoghurt and milk with cereals.

    In the morning, at the time of the second breakfast, you can also simply eat a handful of raisins as they are or with other dried fruits such as almonds, nuts and pistachios.

    There are so many ways you and your liver can benefit from these wonderful foods! Enjoy the meal!

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