Ten Superfoods For Your Brain

A healthy, balanced diet with these foods and other fruits, vegetables, fish and meat keeps the body in shape. Don’t forget to drink at least 2 liters of water every day!

Ten superfoods for your brain

The brain is the great conductor of our body. There are  superfoods that can help your brain function properly.

It consists of millions of neurons that have to respond to an infinite number of external impulses. So complex is how it works that to this day there are more questions than answers regarding its capabilities. 

There are various diseases that cause the brain to break down piece by piece. While these diseases used to mainly affect the elderly, nowadays more and more younger people also suffer from them.

So if you had the opportunity to keep your brain healthy and fit longer with superfoods , you would , wouldn’t you?

Below is a list of the best superfoods for the performance and health of our brain. These superfoods nourish the entire organism.


The active ingredients contained in blueberries help to avoid or delay degenerative diseases of the brain, as in the case of Alzheimer’s. These delicious fruits also contain very powerful antioxidants.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits

Dried fruits provide minerals and vitamins, including phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, vitamins of the B group and vitamin E.

These fruits help us to maintain our cardiovascular health and improve the supply of oxygen to the blood – and consequently that of all organs and the brain as well.


The avocado is rich in antioxidants that help us prevent aging and deterioration in our health. It also contains many omega-3 fatty acids, which are ideal for protecting the brain and preventing premature loss of performance.



The tomato contains a substance called lycopene, which has a strong antioxidant effect and can therefore prevent a wide variety of diseases, including various types of cancer and zebrovascular diseases.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds promote the function of neurons and improve brain activity. They are considered to be the best source of omega-3 fatty acids that nature has to offer. They prevent tissue aging and ensure that the brain stays fit longer.

 olive oil

olive oil

Olive oil contains many antioxidant effects, it protects body tissues and helps fight free radicals. Among other things, these can also cause diseases such as cancer.

In addition, this healthy fat protects the heart so that the blood can flow freely and all cells can be optimally supplied with nutrients.


Fish is rich in phosphorus,  which can strengthen the brain and improve memory retention. 

If you eat fish regularly, especially cold water fish , your heart will be strengthened with omega-3 fatty acids, which will also benefit your brain.

Green tea

Green tea

Green tea is a great antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and protects the brain. In addition, green tea helps to retain memory and to ensure the protection of cells.


When consumed in moderation, cocoa can improve brain health as it contains many antioxidants that can prevent premature aging of the organism and its cells, and also protect the heart.

Cocoa also contains a lot of magnesium, a mineral that supports our nervous system.




Broccoli contains many nutrients that can help improve memory retention and strengthen brain health. It can also strengthen the heart.

Conclusion about the superfoods

All of these foods have the ability to improve your memory and brain performance. Therefore, you should definitely include them in your nutrition plan. You and your whole family will benefit from it.

A healthy and balanced diet will keep your body in optimal condition, so it is advisable to consume natural and healthy foods every day.

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