Rapid Treatment Of Aphthae

Aphthae in the mouth are small injuries that usually heal on their own in one to two weeks. Even so, it is best to treat them to speed recovery. Today we present you with various home remedies that are very helpful. 

Fast treatment of aphthous ulcers

Aphthae  are small ulcers that develop in the lining of the mouth or on the gums. Some are painful, but most of the time there are no serious symptoms. These small injuries usually go away on their own after one to two weeks. Today, however, we are introducing you to home remedies for the quick  treatment of aphthae  that accelerate the healing process.

However, the effectiveness of these home remedies is only based on anecdotal data. However, they are safe to use and can provide relief. 

Fast treatment of mouth ulcers

Aphthae are one of the most common complaints in the mouth. Their size often reaches up to 5 mm and they can be recognized by their whitish color, which is surrounded by a red area. In contrast to cold sores, apthens are not contagious and simply go away on their own. 

However, we will then present you with 5 home remedies that can accelerate healing.

1. Bee honey for the treatment of aphthous ulcers in the mouth

Bee honey for the treatment of aphthous ulcers in the mouth
Honey protects and promotes the healing process for aphthae in the mouth.

Bee honey is one of the best natural remedies for treating skin problems. A 2014 study found that this natural product can relieve pain and reduce the size and redness of aphthous ulcers. In addition, honey protects the affected area from infection. 

  • Simply apply a small amount of honey to the affected area 3 to 4 times a day.

    2. coconut oil

    Coconut oil is known for a wide variety of medical and cosmetic applications and is also ideal for treating aphthous ulcers. Its antibacterial properties inhibit the spread of bacteria and prevent infection of the wound. 

    How to use coconut oil

    • Moisten some cotton wool with coconut oil.
    • Use it to gently rub it on the canker sore.
    • Repeat this process 3 to 4 times a day until the injury heals.

    3. Hydrogen peroxide to treat aphthae

    Hydrogen peroxide used to treat aphthae
    Hygiene is fundamental, so the antiseptic effects of hydrogen peroxide promote the healing of aphthae. 

    The topical application of hydrogen peroxide is very helpful in the treatment of aphthous ulcers to disinfect the wound. Hydrogen peroxide has an antiseptic effect, making it perfect for preventing bacteria from spreading in the affected area.

    How is hydrogen peroxide used?

    • Mix one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (3%) with one tablespoon of water.
    • Then you dampen some cotton wool with it to apply the product to the wound.
    • Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day.

    4. Chamomile

    The classic chamomile is very helpful for skin injuries and allergies as well as for mouth ulcers  . It contains the active ingredients azulene and levomenol, which give it anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

    How to use chamomile

    • Make yourself a strong chamomile tea.
    • Then moisten a little cotton wool with it and apply the tea to the aphtha.
    • Alternatively, you can put on a chamomile tea bag.
    • Repeat this procedure 3 to 4 times a day.

      5. Natural yogurt for the treatment of aphthous ulcers

      Natural yogurt for the treatment of aphthae
      The probiotics in yogurt ensure healthy oral flora and prevent the spread of pathogens.

      The exact cause of aphthae has not been researched. However, the triggers include H. pylori infection  and inflammatory bowel disease. It is therefore advisable to consume natural yoghurt, which contains important probiotics (living bacterial cultures). 

      These fight the harmful H. pylori bacteria, also regulate the pH of the skin and  reduce the risk of infections. 

      How to use plain yogurt

      • Consume a cup of plain yogurt every day.
      • Optionally, you can apply some yogurt to the canker sore.
      • Repeat this three times a day.

        When do you have to see a doctor?

        In most cases, aphthae can be cured quickly without seeing a doctor. However, if the symptoms persist or if there are complications, it is best to get a medical examination.

        Do not doubt to see a doctor in the following situations:

        • If you have a lot of aphthae in your mouth,
        • new aphthae form before the first are healed,
        • the canker sores do not go away after two weeks,
        • they cause extreme pain,
        • also spread to the lips,
        • if the pain interferes with normal eating or drinking
        • or if you have a moderate fever.

        Do you feel an ulcer in your mouth? Then  try these natural remedies. You will experience quick relief. If this is not the case, the best thing to do is to see a doctor.

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