Lowering Blood Sugar, Cholesterol And Uric Acid With Artichokes

Artichoke water not only helps us lose weight, but also promotes liver health. This makes it great for those who have problems with this important organ

Lower blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid with artichokes

Artichokes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which make them a health-promoting and wrongly less-noticed vegetable. Can you lower blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid with artichokes ?

They provide significant amounts of fiber, carbohydrates, and proteins. Artichokes also contain essential fatty acids, but these in lower concentrations.

From a nutritional point of view, artichokes are almost complete foods and their value in naturopathy has also been known for a very long time. Artichokes lower  blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid.

Although this type of vegetable plays an important role in healthy eating in many countries around the world, it has not yet become very popular in our country. It complements diets for weight loss optimally.

Artichokes cause a natural purification, which means that their consumption favors the excretion of those substances that otherwise burden the organism and its organs.

In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the health benefits of these vegetables and present a recipe for making artichoke water that will make the most of it.

Lower blood sugar levels with artichoke

Sugar test

An important ingredient of these vegetables is inulin, a carbohydrate that is only slowly metabolized and thus contributes to a constant supply of energy without causing blood sugar peaks.

This helps those patients who suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus to regulate their blood sugar level .

Lower cholesterol levels with artichokes

Their high levels of fiber, vitamin C and phytosterols help the body keep blood levels of “bad” cholesterol low. The “good” cholesterol, however, increases.

Artichokes also contain cynarin, an active ingredient that stimulates the secretion of bile and thus supports fat digestion. The intestine can then work better and the organism is less stressed.

The vegetables also provide flavonoids, whose anti-inflammatory effect helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Lower uric acid with artichokes


Coffee and linoleic acids contribute to reduce serum concentrations of purine compounds. This improves blood circulation and the artichokes lower the  uric acid level.

At the same time, artichokes have a strong diuretic effect , which can have a positive effect on the elimination of fluid retention. The symptoms of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gout can be relieved by using these vegetables.

For a healthy liver

Because artichokes, as already mentioned, help digest fat, they relieve the liver and leave it time for other important tasks – including the regeneration of the organ itself.

People who suffer from cirrhosis of the liver or other liver diseases are therefore recommended to consume this vegetable regularly.

Artichoke water not only supports liver regeneration by relieving the organ, but also provides it with many important nutrients so that it can regenerate successfully.

Healthy digestion


Because artichokes contain a lot of fiber, the artichoke water also contributes to healthy digestion. The absorption of important nutrients is supported and common complaints such as heartburn and bloating are alleviated.

It stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and it then reduces the risk of constipation. Although it may sound like a contradiction in terms, artichokes also help with diarrhea.


Boil the artichokes in water

Although many delicious dishes can be made from artichokes, one of the most recommended preparations is actually artichoke water.

This is a natural drink that retains all the health-promoting properties of artichokes and contains only a few calories.

It is important to choose high quality ingredients : the vegetables should be green, have reached a healthy size and all parts of the plant should be well defined.


  • 3 medium-sized artichokes
  • 1 liter of water


  • Wash the artichokes well, cut off the stem and cut the vegetables into small pieces.
  • Then put the pieces in a saucepan with water and cook for 15 minutes.
  • After this time, remove the pot from the heat, but the vegetables should continue to steep in the water.


  • Have one glass of artichoke water before breakfast and another before lunch.
  • Follow this regimen for at least three weeks.
  • You can drink artichoke water cold or warm.
  • It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week.

A few more pointers at the end

  • People known to have hypersensitivity reactions should be very careful when consuming this water.
  • You should also not drink it if you have  bile duct obstruction or a tendency to gallstones.
  • The consumption of the artichoke water should not exceed the recommended amount, otherwise gas production in the intestine and corresponding flatulence can occur.
  • Anyone taking medication should speak to their doctor about potential interactions before starting this regimen.

If you make artichoke water part of your diet, taking the precautions mentioned above, you are doing something for your health and against extra pounds.

It is important that you are aware that this is not a miracle cure that works overnight. Only the regular consumption of artichokes or artichoke water will bring the desired results.

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