How Many Chicken Eggs Are Recommended Per Week?

Even if chicken eggs had a bad reputation for a long time, it has now been confirmed that they do not increase cholesterol levels.

How many chicken eggs are recommended per week?

Chicken eggs are one of the most nutritious foods. Because they contain protein, vitamins (A, D and B12) and minerals such as phosphorus and selenium.

In addition, chicken eggs are  readily available and inexpensive, which is also beneficial.

For a long time they were suspected of negatively affecting cholesterol levels, but it is now known that this is not the case. Nevertheless, as a rule, no more than three to four chicken eggs  per week are recommended  .

However, people who are very physically active can also eat more! If you have any doubts, it is best to seek help from a doctor or nutritionist. 

Who Should Consume Chicken Eggs?

In general, everyone should incorporate chicken eggs into their diet. They can be prepared in many ways and taste very tasty in a wide variety of recipes.

Eggs contain many nutrients that are very beneficial for pregnant women, especially choline chloride,  which is very important for the development of the nervous system.

Chicken eggs are also highly recommended for people with a loss of appetite, as they provide important vitamins, minerals and proteins.

What are the properties of eggs?

Chicken eggs are healthy

The egg white also contains vitamins, but it is 90% water.

  • One of the most important properties is that eggs are low in fat, so they are low in calories and do not raise cholesterol.
  • They contain a lot of iron and are therefore  highly recommended as a preventive measure against anemia .
  • Chicken eggs help with tiredness, stimulate the immune system and improve wound healing. They also contain a lot of zinc and therefore promote the storage of insulin, which is very important in the growth process.
  • Because they are also high in phosphorus, eggs are good for the skin, bones, and teeth. They are particularly popular with athletes to strengthen physical resistance.
  • Chicken eggs are also very important for brain health.
  • The vitamin A it contains protects the eyes and improves the body’s defenses. It also has an anti-cancer effect.
  • Chicken eggs are rich in vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and are therefore also important for controlling stress,  with migraines and for regulating cholesterol levels.
  • Chicken eggs also contain vitamin B7, which ensures healthy hair, skin and fingernails. This vitamin is also very important for regulating blood sugar levels. 
  • The contained folic acid or vitamin B9 is very helpful in combating various side effects of drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
  • Chicken eggs are also antioxidant because they contain large amounts of vitamin E.
  • They are also a good source of lecithin, an important nutrient that supplies the body with choline chloride. A lecithin deficiency can lead to serious health problems, such as kidney or liver disorders, progressive memory loss, growth disorders, high blood pressure and numerous other complaints.

Chicken eggs can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen and are particularly popular with the elderly and children.

They can be consumed at any time of the day. Eggs are particularly recommended for breakfast, as they provide the body with the energy it needs to start the working day in a better mood.

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