How Heat Affects A Pregnancy In Summer

The symptoms of pregnancy are exacerbated in summer. Taking preventive action can reduce the possible harmful effects of intense heat.

How heat affects summer pregnancy

A pregnancy in summer can trigger certain fears and insecurities in many women. You wonder what the consequences of the hot summer temperatures could be.

There are more known cases of dehydration or heat stroke during the summer season. This can of course add to the fears of pregnant women.

At any time of the year, it is important to be extra careful so that the body can better adapt to the changes in pregnancy. However, this is even more true in the hottest time of the year. For this reason, we explain how you can take care of yourself when you are pregnant in the summer.

The effects of heat on the body

The internal temperature of the human body is 36 to 37.5ºC. Our organs function adequately at this temperature. However, our internal body temperature can rise when we expose ourselves to intense external heat.

To remove this excess internal heat, the body creates sweat. In addition, an increase in breathing and heart rate favors the removal of excess internal heat.

When the body temperature reaches 39-40ºC, the consequences include weakness or fatigue. This happens because the body signals the muscles not to work so as not to generate more heat. The moment we approach 41ºC, the body may stop functioning.

Summer pregnancy: symptoms

Some symptoms occur during pregnancy that can become significantly worse in hot weather. That is why it is important to know about it when you are pregnant in summer.

  • Fatigue and exhaustion: Pregnant women experience greater fatigue due to the effects that the hormones create in the body. The main hormone responsible for this is progesterone. With excessive external heat, this symptom worsens.
  • The cardiovascular system and the appearance or exacerbation of varicose veins: one of the most important changes that the organism undergoes during pregnancy is an increase in blood volume. Added to this is the expansion of the veins and the pressure on the vena cava due to the size of the uterus. All of these changes make venous return more difficult and lead to greater accumulation of blood in the legs.
  • Dizziness or fainting: The changes in the circulatory system also affect how blood flows to various organs. For this reason, there is usually a drop in blood pressure, which is associated with increased blood volume and dilated blood vessels.
  • Dehydration: Pregnant women need more fluids. In the event of external heat, you will need to increase your water intake to avoid overheating.

Summer pregnancy: care

All pregnant women know that during pregnancy they need to change certain behaviors in their daily lives. You need to be well aware of the health recommendations for this period.

If you become pregnant in the summer, you need to pay more attention to your symptoms. You need to be more careful and pay more attention to the correct execution of health recommendations, with the help of obstetricians.

  • Fluid intake: Experts recommend increasing your fluid intake during pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs to drink more than 2 liters a day. In addition, you should care for your skin with natural oils on a daily basis.
  • Check your blood pressure: To avoid hypotension, it is advisable to measure your blood pressure at different times of the day. If you have low blood pressure, you can drink beverages with caffeine or theine to increase the levels.
  • Physical activity: It is advisable to do physical activity during pregnancy to stimulate blood flow and provide adequate muscle movement. To avoid the harmful effects of summer heat, engage in such activities between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. Make sure you drink enough fluids beforehand.
  • Refresh yourself in swimming pools, in the sea or in the shower: During pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid constant exposure to heat. In addition, it is good to stay in air-conditioned rooms, to shower frequently or to bathe in the swimming pool or another body of water.

Avoid exposing yourself to the sun during the high temperature hours. It is better to be in a place that has air conditioning or a fan.

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