How Can Depression Caused By A Lack Of Serotonin Be Avoided?

In order to keep the serotonin level constant, it is important to consume foods and at the same time adopt habits that promote serotonin production. Exercise is an excellent option.

How can you avoid depression caused by a lack of serotonin?

Serotonin is a chemical made by the body to carry nerve signals. This neurotransmitter is synthesized with the help of tryptophane. How can you avoid depression from  serotonin deficiency?

One of the most important tasks of this substance is to  regulate the state of mind, which is  why a lack of serotonin can lead to depression.

In addition, serotonin also plays a role in smooth muscle contraction and affects the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and circadian rhythm.

In particular, serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, but it is also found in the blood, the brain and the nervous system.

Since it is abundant in the body, it is believed to have a great impact on many physical and physiological functions.

For example, when serotonin levels drop significantly,  negative moods,  irritability, stress and depression occur. Over time, depressive disorders can also turn into illness.

What are the symptoms of a serotonin deficiency?


A serotonin deficiency has various effects.  Both physical and psychological complaints can occur,  which are not always easy to determine.

However, when the result is depression,  various symptoms indicate  that more serotonin is needed.

The following signs should be observed:

  • constant negativity
  • Hunger pangs
  • obsessive as well as rigid behaviors
  • Impatience and irritability
  • deep sadness and unhappiness
  • low self-esteem and a lack of confidence
  • anxiety
  • sleep disorders

How does a serotonin deficiency come about?

The serotonin level sinks  when the diet does not absorb enough tryptophan  and there is also a lack of other essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Serotonin production is often disturbed if excessive amounts of alcohol, caffeine or artificial sweeteners are consumed.

Chronic stress, anxiety and similar negative emotions  prevent the brain from producing the necessary amount of this neurotransmitter.

Since the formation of this substance is promoted by sunlight, depression also occurs more frequently in winter.

How can you fix serotonin deficiency to prevent depression?

It is essential  to stimulate serotonin production  by following a specific diet.

You can use it to improve your well-being and enjoy other benefits.

Blue fish


Proteins and essential fatty acids from fatty fish (blue fish)  increase the production of this neurotransmitter  and reduce inflammatory processes that can block serotonin activity.

The following fish are particularly recommended:

  • mackerel
  • salmon
  • tuna
  • anchovy
  • sardine


Moderate consumption of meat  provides the body with important proteins and carbohydrates that  facilitate the absorption of tryptophan.

Chicken, turkey or pork contain large amounts of this amino acid.

Chicken eggs

Egg yolks, in particular, are  rich in tryptophan and essential minerals that  improve the state of mind.

Dairy products

Dairy products

Milk and dairy products increase feelings of well-being and reduce  levels of cortisol, a hormone that occurs during stress and depression. 

Dairy products are an excellent source of essential amino acids, especially tryptophan.

The following dairy products are particularly recommended:

  • Cheddar cheese
  • Swiss cheese
  • Greek yogurt
  • milk
  • Kumys


Legumes are an excellent alternative to improve mood, prevent and treat depression.

They are a good source of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals  and increase serotonin levels in the brain.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits

A handful of dried fruits is effective against stress, depression and exhaustion. The fatty acids it contains provide energy and improve physical and mental performance.

In addition, dried fruits are an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that has a relaxing effect and is excellent for relieving stress and sleep problems.


Delicious chocolate works great against depression  and other emotional troubles. 

Cocoa contains tryptophan, so you should make sure that it is dark chocolate with the highest possible cocoa content (at least 60%).

In addition, many antioxidants can be found in dark chocolate, which counteract the negative effects of free radicals.

Many factors play a major role in depression, whereby one should take into account  that a balanced serotonin level is decisive in order to prevent or to escape the dark phase again.

Good results can be achieved through proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits such as meditation and exercise.

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