Homemade Ginger Cake: Great Recipe Ideas

Ginger is not only healthy, it is also ideal for refining various dishes with a special taste. If you have not yet made a ginger cake, you should not miss our very special recipe ideas!

Homemade ginger cake: great recipe ideas

Ginger is not only healthy, it is also ideal for refining various dishes with a special taste. If you have not yet made a ginger cake, you should not miss our very special recipe ideas!

What could be better than feasting on something sweet with your afternoon coffee? Whether alone or in company: A piece of ginger cake is always worth the temptation.

Recipe ideas for a ginger cake

Even if that sounds like a somewhat unusual dessert at first, it is characterized by its unique taste. Anyone who has ever tried ginger knows that it is different from many other spices. That’s what makes him so special.

So that you can experiment for yourself, we present two recipes below that you can try out at your next opportunity.

Ginger cake with lemon and honey


  • 175 g butter
  • 75 g honey
  • grated lemon peel
  • 175 g flour
  • 3.75 ml of cinnamon
  • two eggs

Ingredients for the topping:

  • a tablespoon of honey
  • Lemon juice


  • First, preheat the oven to 180ºC. In the meantime you can prepare the cake.
  • Let the butter melt in a double boiler. As soon as it is completely melted, add the honey and the grated lemon zest and mix well.
  • Then you should let the mixture cool down and add the remaining ingredients.
  • Brush the baking pan for the cake with butter and then distribute the mixture in it.
  • Then put the mold in the oven for about 30 minutes.
  • While the cake is baking, you can prepare the top layer. To do this, first heat the honey and lemon juice on a medium heat.
  • As soon as both ingredients are warm enough and have mixed together, the topping is ready.
  • After you have taken the cake out of the oven, poke small holes in it with a fork and fill the topping so that the entire cake is permeated with the mixture. It should absorb all of the liquid.
  • Finally, all you have to do is let the cake cool down and enjoy it afterwards.

Pretty easy right? If you want, you can decorate the cake however you like, for example with candied ginger pieces.

Cheesecake with ginger

Ginger cake

If you’re in the mood for something different and are a fan of cheesecake, then this is your recipe: a cheesecake with ginger is a great idea for the whole family and can be prepared in no time.


  • about 20 ginger biscuits
  • 75 g butter
  • 200 g cream cheese (such as the ‘Philadelphia’ brand)
  • 3 tbsp heavy cream
  • two eggs
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • a piece of fresh ginger
  • Strawberry jam


  • Prepare the ground first from the ginger biscuits to while you preheat the oven at 160 ° C. To do this, grind them until they are completely crushed and pulverized.
  • In the next step, let the butter melt. Then add them to the crushed biscuits and mix everything together.
  • Then put the entire mixture in an oven dish so that the cake base is well distributed. It should be compact, so make sure it is even.
  • Then stir together the eggs, sugar, cream and cream cheese in a bowl. As soon as you get a homogeneous mass, you should grate the ginger piece and mix it with the other ingredients.
  • Now you can distribute this mixture over the cake base in the baking pan. Then put them in the oven for about 30 minutes.
  • Be careful not to overrun the time, as the cake may lose all of its liquid and otherwise won’t get juicy. Therefore, you should check it again and again in between.
  • Lastly, take the cake out of the oven and let it cool. After you have taken it out of the baking pan, cover it with a layer of strawberry jam.

    You can either enjoy these two recipes alone or surprise your guests with an extraordinary and particularly delicious cake the next time you visit.

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