Heartburn Treatment Options

Use wooden wedges to raise the headboard of the bed so that the body does not lie completely flat. This can prevent reflux.

Heartburn - Treatment Options

Reflux esophagitis, or GERD (English abbreviation), popularly known as heartburn, occurs when the stomach contents return to the esophagus because of a disruption of natural obstacles.

It’s not always a disease, it can also be triggered by poor eating habits. This article explains how this ailment can be cured.

Causes and symptoms

One of the most common causes is disruption of the internal sphincter muscle (esophageal sphincter), a type of ring that surrounds the esophagus in the area that connects to the stomach.

The stomach is usually closed to prevent gastric juices from flowing back down to the esophagus. If a disorder occurs, less pressure is applied, the muscle relaxes and then does not perform its functions properly.

Certain drugs or substances, such as alcohol, caffeine, or cigarettes, promote reflux, one of the most common digestive problems (15% of the adult population suffer from it at least once a week and 7% every day).


Heartburn can have the following symptoms:

  • Burning: This symptom is the best known, hence the name. A strong burning sensation is felt at the level of the sternum, which occurs more often after large meals or when going to bed shortly after dinner.
  • Acid-like taste when belching, chest pain, and difficulty swallowing, regardless of whether it is food or saliva.
  • Respiratory disorders, especially at night: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc.
  • Other symptoms: abdominal pain, increased belching, heaviness, hiccups, nausea, pain in the throat and larynx, feeling of having a foreign body in the throat, voicelessness.
  • Frequent belching and breathing problems occur in children . If this problem becomes chronic, it can lead to anemia, tension in the neck muscles and stunted growth.


Advice on prevention

  • Going to bed immediately after eating should be avoided, especially after dinner. You should wait at least two hours, and even longer after a sumptuous meal.
  • Raise the bed about 15 cm at head height. It is enough with two blocks under the bed legs so that the body lies a little higher.
  • Multiple pillows will not help in this case, as only the neck is bent. The whole upper body should be raised.
  • Avoid tight clothing during meals. The clothes should be elastic, wide and comfortable.

  • Definitely avoid large meals. Better six small servings than two large ones a day.
  • Weight should be controlled. Avoid excess pounds.
  • Refrain from alcohol consumption  and quit smoking.
  • Food and drinks that relax the esophageal spinter should not be consumed, e.g. B. Chocolate, sauces, stews etc.
  • Jerky movements or sports such as bending over, lifting weights, etc. immediately after a meal are not appropriate.

    • Stressful situations should be avoided.
    • Foods that irritate the gastric mucosa or the esophagus should be deleted from the nutrition plan: fat, garlic, tomatoes, fried foods, onions, cured foods, juices, tea, nuts, cola drinks, carbonated drinks, mint, citrus fruits …
    • Consumption of sugar and other refined or processed products should be reduced. The balance of the intestinal and stomach flora plays a major role here.
    • Fruits, vegetables and low-fat whey products should not be missing.


    Natural remedies for heartburn

    • Apple cider vinegar : A spoonful of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of water before each meal will aid digestion and then quickly relieve heartburn.
    • Sodium hydrogen carbonate : A glass of water with a spoonful of sodium hydrogen carbonate is also a simple solution, but it should be taken while still foaming.
    • Aloe juice : Aloe vera is very helpful for stomach upsets and inflammation of the digestive tract. Remove the pulp of a leaf and then mix it with a little water. Take once a day to avoid the burning sensation in the stomach cavity.
    • Licorice : This plant protects the digestive tract and helps prevent heartburn. For this, a tea is made with a handful of liquorice per liter of water. Let it steep for a few minutes and then seven. One cup after each meal is enough to feel relief. A mother tincture is available in health food stores and can also serve.
    • Almond milk : this can be taken before or after each meal, or when symptoms appear. Mix 100 grams of almonds and 1 liter of water in a blender and then sieve. The remaining paste can be mixed again with 50 grams of almonds and half a liter of water. This drink is seasoned with a little honey or stevia and cinnamon.

    Almond milk

    More natural remedies

    • Food with natural ferments : kefir, a small sip of cucumber water, and a spoonful of sauerkraut can relieve heartburn quickly.
    • Clove or cardamom : These can be sucked like candy after a meal or made into tea. Both types of spice reduce the level of acid in the stomach and then relieve the symptoms of heartburn.
    • Cabbage : To avoid or relieve heartburn, a juice with a few leaves of cabbage and some water can be made in a blender.
    • Caraway : For this, a caraway tea is prepared and taken during the meal.
    • Ginger : Ginger extract is very effective in relieving heartburn symptoms. Tea can also be very helpful; brew a small slice of ginger with boiling water.


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