Fruits For Better Fat Burning

Fruits do not make you fat and are healthy. Some fruits are even particularly good at stimulating fat burning.

Fruits for better fat burning

Fruits for Better Fat Burning? Many think that they are high in energy and sugar and therefore cannot help with weight loss.

But that’s not true. Fruit does not make you fat and is healthy. Some fruits are even particularly good for stimulating fat burning – in any case, far healthier than almost all “Ligth” products! In this post, we recommend different types of fruit that can help you lose weight.

Difference between natural and processed sugar

Since fruit contains natural sugar (fruit sugar with 5 carbon atoms), it provides a lot of energy. However, this sugar does not accumulate in the body. It is broken down and stored as sugar with 6 carbon atoms if too much of it is consumed. Otherwise it will be used up.

You use far more calories to break down natural sugar and other ingredients than with many diet products. The organism usually only needs a few calories to digest processed products.

When calculating calories with a calculator, you should take all factors into account. How many calories does the food contain and how many do you use in digestion? With fresh fruit, the number of calories is certainly significantly lower than with industrial products.

All of the fruits and fruits mentioned below help burn fat and lose weight. These are best consumed in their natural state, preferably raw.

Fruits that promote fat burning

  • Grapefruit:  Grapefruit diets were very fashionable not long ago. This fruit is actually characterized by excellent properties. A daily grapefruit in the morning on an empty stomach improves metabolism and promotes kidney function. The acid it contains frees your body from bad fats. All citrus fruits are good, but the grapefruit works best.
  • Blueberries: These berries are excellent at burning fat. They also improve arterial health and regulate blood sugar levels. An easy way to reap the benefits is to have a cup of blueberries with cereal and yogurt in the evening. Various studies have shown that blueberries contain a large amount of valuable antioxidants that help eliminate harmful substances from the body and break down excess fat.
  • Coconut:  The triglycerides contained in the coconut fruit promote the metabolism of the liver by up to 30%. This causes the organism to work harder, digestion works better and you burn off more calories. You can consume coconut milk, water, or oil. Dried coconut flakes are also ideal and give many drinks a special taste. In combination with dried fruits, coconut also tastes excellent. You can use coconut milk for the coffee instead of cow’s milk. The coffee tastes delicious and you don’t need any sweetener.

    More fruits

    • Tomatoes: These contain a lot of water, vitamin C and phytonutrients. The latter two promote fat burning and have a strong antioxidant effect. There are also many different types of tomatoes. You can combine these in salads, fill them and use them for other recipes. Tomatoes should then be included in the diet plan at least two to three times a week.
    • Bananas:  This fruit also helps burn excess fat, even though it is known to many as a fattener. Bananas provide numerous health benefits and should therefore be consumed every day. The potassium contained is essential for the correct functioning of the muscles. They are also characterized by natural fiber and therefore have a filling effect.
    • Avocado:  Even if it may surprise you, the avocado is an excellent fat burner thanks to the natural fatty acids it contains. These regulate blood sugar and triglyceride levels. One serving a day is enough to reap the benefits. You can eat avocados in salads as well as on a bun. This fruit also tastes excellent as a starter, guacamole or the Mexican “pico de gallo” salad with chilli. By the way, chili also helps burn fat. Try this recipe:

    Pico de Gallo with mango


    • 1 cup sliced ​​mango
    • 1/2 sliced ​​purple onion
    • 1/2 cup seedless tomatoes
    • 3 to 4 fresh, cut chili peppers without seeds
    • 1 lemon (juice)
    • 1/2 cup sliced ​​coriander
    • 1 avocado


    Mix all the ingredients and the dish is ready.

    Try to eat at least 2 of the mentioned fruits daily, preferably fresh and raw. If you also pay attention to a balanced diet and sufficient exercise and also drink plenty of water, you will achieve your goals.

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