Four Important Exercises For Seniors

Both tai chi and yoga are sports that are good for seniors and that help them to exercise their balance and stay flexible

Four important exercises for seniors

Getting older does not mean that you should stop exercising, even though you may have certain problems. There are important exercises for seniors that are not strenuous and extremely healthy.

Physical exercise allows us to age much healthier. Therefore, you should definitely move daily and integrate the training into your everyday life. Today we’re going to tell you some exercises for seniors that are particularly effective and healthy.

Important exercises for seniors

There are a number of important and specific exercises for seniors that also reduce the risk of injury. As we mentioned earlier, many at this age suffer from problems that increase the risk of injury.

1. Aerobic exercise

Exercises for seniors: aqua aerobics

Aerobic exercises are low-impact sports, some of which are specifically aimed at seniors. Others, on the other hand, are intensive and not necessarily recommended for older people.

When we think of aerobic exercise, all we can think of is aerobics. However, there are many other options, such as:

  • Cycling (static or not)
  • Running or jogging (on fitness equipment or in the fresh air)
  • Aerobic gymnastics (aimed at seniors)
  • Aqua aerobics

Many of these exercises for seniors can also be done in groups, which makes them more fun and effective.

Seniors are often alone, either because the kids are out or because they don’t have a partner or family. It is therefore important that you make friends and do the exercises with others.

2. Yoga or tai chi

Tai chi and other exercises for seniors

Yoga or tai chi are important exercises for seniors that do not require a lot of force. In a moment you will learn the advantages of these sports.

Yoga is a mixture of exercises with meditation that help older people to improve their flexibility. Likewise, it helps them strengthen and define their bodies, which is undoubtedly important in preventing them from getting injured.

Tai-Chi, on the other hand, is a martial art that also includes meditation. This type of training is very important as it increases the strength and flexibility of the elderly while also training balance.

In addition, meditation, which both sports involve, helps to focus on the present and to be more conscious and happier. These exercises are without a doubt excellent for promoting the mental wellbeing of the elderly.

3. Swimming

We already mentioned aqua aerobics . Swimming is also recommended, as the body is only lightly stressed. It is a holistic and beneficial sport that is ideal for seniors.

All the muscles in the body are used when doing a swim. In this way the body is defined and strengthened. In addition, the risk of injury is very low, which is why this sport is particularly recommended for people who have a problem or are particularly prone to injuries.

Swimming is relaxing and ideal for seniors suffering from depression. The contact with the water in connection with the exercise promotes both physical and mental well-being.

4. Dancing

Exercises for seniors: dancing

Dancing is a very important activity for seniors. Even if many do not see dancing as a sport, Zumba, traditional dances or other styles can definitely be assigned to this category.

When dancing, seniors train and define their whole body and gain more balance. This sport is fun and can also be practiced while going out with friends.

Seniors can also keep fit with these sports. Exercise should be part of everyday life at all ages. 

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