Don’t Try To Change Me, Just Love Me For Who I Am

Well, maybe it has not occurred to you that this person thinks “Love me for who I am” and not ” the way you want me “?

Don't try to change me, just love me for who I am

In many of our relationships we unconsciously feel the desire to change our counterpart. Love me as i am.

This happens more clearly in couple relationships, where we mostly require the other person to conform.
Well, maybe it has not occurred to you that this person thinks “love me the way I am ” and not “the way you want me to be”?

Love me as I am, with my strengths and weaknesses

All people have weaknesses  and adapting to the other because he is our partner is in most cases not a good idea. We are all unique and special.

We should never change for someone else, only if we want to. Keep reminding yourself about it, because that’s what we stumble upon again and again.


If a person wants to change us, they don’t value us What if you don’t change Things will go wrong and the relationship will fail.

Because of this, either of them will feel more or less like a puppet and that shouldn’t happen, you won’t be happy that way.

People who want to share their life with us should accept us as we are and not strive to change our essence. If we allow these changes to be made, we will stop being ourselves and transform ourselves into someone completely different.

We have always worked to be loved for who we are. If someone wants to change us and we allow it, it is because we are insecure. We feel we have to adapt for the relationship to be happy.

The only problem is, that doesn’t stop the trouble.

Maybe you just don’t go together; perhaps longing and love for one another have diminished over time because in reality you are completely different.

There may be other issues that you don’t want to deal with, and the idea of ​​changing just covers it up. A more than wrong decision.

Love me more, love me better for who I am

There are very toxic personality types who, without wanting to, constantly try to manipulate other people according to their ideas.

This happens in many relationships and in moments when someone tries to change us. It may be that this person wants to be with you, it may be that he / she really loves you. But that’s not the way. You are not accepted for who you actually are.


We are very afraid of breaking a relationship because we are not ready to change. We tend to give almost everything so that we don’t have to be told later that we haven’t done anything for the relationship.

Nevertheless, what you are doing, namely accepting that someone changes you, is nothing positive, on the contrary.

Sometimes we just can’t distinguish between the intensity and quality of love. Less intense love with depth is far more desirable than passionate bad love.

Don’t put up with everything, you don’t deserve to be badly loved. If you are low on self-esteem or suffer from insecurities, the more likely that you will settle for someone who wants to change you.

Maybe you think you’ll be happier, that the relationship isn’t going better because of you. That couldn’t be further from reality.

Happy relationship

How can the relationship be better if you are not happy?

You will never feel comfortable just changing at the request of another person. You should only evolve for your own good, not to grant the wishes of another person who may just want to manipulate you.

Although there are many couples in whom a subliminal manipulation dynamic is barely noticeable.


Protect yourself from unhealthy relationships that you feel lost in and that are not clearly noticeable.

Love is blind and we often think we have to do certain things, for example to change ourselves. This is to let the other person know that we are fighting for the relationship; that we go to great lengths to ensure that everything goes well.

It is true that we should try, but not to the point where we lose sight of our own essence, our being.

The next time someone asks you to change, reply, “Love me for who I am, because I will not change.”

Your partner should accept you for who you are, and if they don’t, then it’s not worth the effort. This is not a proof of love, but an attempt to manipulate you.

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