Disobedience In Children: What Can We Do?

Are you worried about your child’s behavior? If your child ignores you, then it is time to resolve the problem. Disobedience can be counteracted with communication and educational strategies. Raise your child and achieve a positive relationship between you

Disobedience in Children: What Can We Do?

Disobedience in children can be quite a headache for parents. Experiencing the childhood of our little ones is one of the most beautiful and challenging moments in our lives.

There are many stages, challenges and changes that you should tackle together. It is important to always maintain respect, trust and communication between parents and children.

When disobedience occurs in children , the challenges are all the greater. Their demeanor is more difficult to deal with and it takes a lot of patience and willingness to correct disobedience in children.

How do disobedient children behave?

In order to identify a disobedient child, one should pay attention to his behavior. If it ignores your instructions, it may be at the stage of testing how far it can go to get what it wants.

At this point, children often choose decisions that they just want to oppose. This situation often arises in authoritarian families.

Often times, the child is simply tired of receiving orders and rebels against their parents or others who tell them to do something.

Disobedient children often don't want to listen

This annoys them terribly and spurs them on to forge a close connection with child rebellion and disobedience. In doing so, they show themselves as a power person who also wants to be heard.

Disobedience in children draws attention to itself through an attitude that can show us where parenting is wrong. So we can change something in good time.

Your child is ignoring your instructions

When children do not do their job, it is a clear sign of disobedience. Your child wants to portray himself as a little ruler who can break the rules.

Disobedience in children can be a consequence of various factors. These include, but are not limited to, conflicts between parents, insomnia, divorce, difficulty socializing, and hyperactivity.

However, one should pay close attention to whom the child is disobeying. Often the explanation for this behavior emerges from this. So then you can approach the real problem.

The child is not doing its job

It is possible that you are too indulgent. Maybe you want to make your child a friend so that there is more trust between you.

However, this often has the opposite effect: your child no longer respects you and no longer fulfills their tasks.

Disobedience to duties

Your child should see in you a figure of authority that they must always respect when your instructions for the good are given.

No matter how great your relationship is, your child will always have to do their homework and household chores. Not to mention the values ​​that you convey to him and that you live in everyday life.

Your child is lying to you

Lying is very common with children. You should still take care of it, as it can go from very small to very big lies. This can lead to problems later !

It is important that you talk about it with your child because this is the age at which their personality develops. If lying becomes a habit and becomes anchored in character, it can cause problems for the future.

What can we do to correct disobedience in children?

First, we need to identify the most common behaviors to correct child disobedience in a timely manner. In the following, we will give you some tips on how to deal with disobedient children.

Enroll your child in sports or artistic activities

Children often build up a lot of adrenaline and tension in their bodies  because of the monotony of always having to follow the rules. They then show it through disobedience. That is why it helps to enroll them in sports or artistic activities.

It should be a hobby that interests your child. Not only does it get rid of all the stress, it also develops good habits and discipline.

Remove their privileges if your child disobeys

Removing your child’s privileges for disobedience can help you improve their behavior.

Tantrum in the supermarket

Sometimes it is effective to take something away from him that is entertaining or pleasing to him. However, do not punish it without explanation! Talk to him and explain that every action has its consequences. It should think before it acts.

This is a good life lesson.

Explain to your child how you feel about their disobedience

Scolding is much more than punishing the child or forbidding them to do anything they like. By scolding, we mean that you explain to your child how their behavior affects you and that disobedience could be harmful at any stage of life.

It is also important to explain to him the difference between obedience and submission. Teach him that it is important for personal, family, and social coexistence to follow certain rules.

By explaining to your child that their behavior worries and affects you, you are creating a closer family relationship.

The child then understands by itself that his behavior affects a loved one and changes it automatically because of his protective instinct.


Disobedience in children is more common than expected. So don’t worry too much. It is also not that difficult to correct this problem.

Follow the advice, get to know your child a little better every day, listen to them and talk to them. This is how you can deal with disobedience and other problems together.

Parents need to remain calm in such cases and not react impulsively. While this can be quite frustrating, it is always best to approach such problems with good communication and positive strategies.

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