Delicious Soups With Broccoli

Soups with broccoli are not only delicious. If you cook them right, they’ll be healthy too. We’ll show you healthy recipes!

Delicious soups with broccoli

Our recipes for soups with broccoli can also be prepared vegan, so that friends can eat purely plant-based foods and benefit from the health benefits.

Sit down all at one table and let the soups with broccoli keep you warm!

What is healthy about soups with broccoli?

Soups with broccoli have a plus for your health, because broccoli contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sodium and vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, E and especially a lot of vitamin C and provitamin A. Would you have thought that?

In order to preserve these substances as much as possible, broccoli should not be boiled in water, but rather cooked in steam. If you cook it, continue to use the cooking water for soups or stews so that the minerals dissolved in it are not lost.

Usually only the beautiful florets are used, but the stem, leaves and stems are also edible and can be used for soups with broccoli!

You can puree them and use them to refine mashed potatoes or simply conjure up a cream soup like our recipes for soups with broccoli!

Soups with broccoli

Shopping and preparation tips

Broccoli should be firm and taut when purchased and should never feel like rubber or be wrinkled. Then it is no longer fresh. This is also important for soups with broccoli in order to be able to enjoy the full content of vitamins and minerals.

The length, size and thickness of the stalk indicates how big the “head” of the broccoli was: if the stalk is very thick, but there are only (still) a few florets on it, you can assume that the broccoli is already Lies in the store for a long time and has been “pimped up” to promote sales by removing soft florets!

Wash your whole head whole, so you don’t wash out the water-soluble vitamins it contains. As already mentioned, all parts are edible, but the stalk is slightly woody and should only be pureed or cut into very small pieces in soups and stews.

The “woody” part of the stalk is not unhealthy – on the contrary, it is healthy fiber that you shouldn’t throw away!

If you only cut the mini florets that are reminiscent of “crumbs” from the raw vegetables with a sharp knife, you will receive a decorative topping for our soups with broccoli, but also for other stews, smoothies and other vegetable dishes. Try the healthy decoration once!

Soups with broccoli and bread

Vegan broccoli cream soup

You don’t need cream for this soup – and it still turns out wonderfully creamy and creamy. That’s because of the cashew nuts, try it out!

  • 1 head of broccoli
  • 1 potato
  • 150-200g unsalted cashew nuts
  • Vegetable broth

If you don’t have any unsalted cashews, you can also use almonds. But then use ground peeled almonds, which you only add at the end of the cooking process.

Clean the broccoli and cut it into small pieces along with the stalk. Add this, along with the peeled and diced potato, to the vegetable stock and bring everything to a boil. Add the cashews and cook everything together until the potatoes and broccoli are tender.

The cashews also get soft when they cook, don’t worry! If you don’t have any, add the ground almonds at the end of the cooking process.

Puree everything together to make a cream soup and taste it. Sprinkle with chopped and roasted cashews or flaked almonds and serve. Broccoli with a difference – and vegan!


Broccoli cream soup

Broccoli soup with cream cheese

Instead of cream cheese, you can also use silken tofu if you want to cook the soup vegan. Use the same amount as for cream cheese and a little more powdered vegetable stock. You need:

  • 800g broccoli (with stem, which is used with)
  • 600ml vegetable stock
  • 250ml milk (animal or vegetable)
  • 100g cream cheese (double cream)
  • 1-2 tbsp lemon juice
  • Salt, nutmeg

Bring the vegetable stock to a boil and cook the broccoli cut into pieces until tender. Then puree the vegetables to a pulp and add the cream cheese. Continue to puree and gradually add the milk.

Keep heating the soup, stirring constantly, and taste with lemon juice, salt and nutmeg before serving. Before you put the soup on the table, beat it up again with the hand blender until frothy.

These two recipes for soups with broccoli show that broccoli doesn’t always have to be served hearty with bacon or meat. Enojy your meal!

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