Delicious Ginger-turmeric Tea For Weight Loss

In addition to the warming effect, turmeric and ginger have a filling effect and promote fat burning.

Delicious ginger turmeric tea for weight loss

With the right attitude, a healthy lifestyle and supportive measures, you too can achieve your weight loss goal. Today we recommend a delicious ginger turmeric tea that  can help you with this business.

This tea tastes delicious and helps you lose weight naturally. Both roots have become very popular in recent years, but have long been used in natural medicine.

Turmeric and ginger are now available as spices in every supermarket. Read on to find out the health benefits of  ginger turmeric tea .

Benefits of turmeric for weight loss

Some of the many benefits of turmeric include:

  • The curcumin it contains prevents cells from dividing, especially in fat cells. In this way, new fatty tissue and subsequent weight gain can be prevented. This can also reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels.
  • Prevents insulin resistance and regulates blood sugar levels. This will prevent fat from building up in the body.
  • Increases the amount of bile in the stomach, a substance that dissolves fats in the body and thus promotes weight loss.
  • Contains polyphenols, which makes the root an effective antioxidant that helps remove dangerous substances from the body.
  • Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and against a bloated stomach.
  • Accelerates metabolism and supports fat burning in a natural and fast way.

Benefits of ginger in weight loss

All forms of ginger are ideal for promoting weight loss:

Ginger Turmeric Tea: Benefits of Ginger
  • The root stimulates the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that suppresses feelings of hunger and inhibits appetite. It will make it easier for you to eat less .
  • Ginger contains gingerol and shogaol, two active ingredients that speed up your metabolism. In this way, fat burning is stimulated because the body draws on its own energy reserves.
  • The spice ensures that fat burning is more efficient as it increases body temperature.
  • Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates toxins that can lead to disease, fluid build-up, swelling, and weight gain at the same time.

The effects of ginger turmeric tea

Ginger turmeric tea is a powerful medicinal combination and contains many ingredients that have a positive effect on our health. Below we reveal the most important advantages of this drink:

  • Maintains liver health: This combination contains substances that protect liver cells.
  • This drink is also useful for gallstones. It also cares for the gallbladder and prevents diseases.
  • Better digestion: This tea promotes digestion and is therefore recommended for digestive problems, dispepsia or gastritis.
  • Thanks to its gas-inducing effect , ginger turmeric tea helps with the elimination of fats and against flatulence caused by sluggish or slow digestion.
  • It is also an excellent natural medicine for flu and colds. The drink is rich in vitamin C, niacin, phosphorus and potassium, substances that strengthen the immune system. It is also effective against coughing up sputum.
The effects of ginger turmeric tea

Delicious ginger turmeric tea for weight loss


  • 2 teaspoons turmeric powder (10 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of ginger (30 g)
  • 1 spoon of honey (25 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Peel the ginger and cut into slices.
  • Heat the water and add the ginger.
  • Then wait about five to ten minutes for the water to boil.
  • Then remove from heat and drain to remove solids.
  • Pour the liquid into a cup and add the turmeric.
  • Add the honey and stir with a spoon so that everything mixes well.
  • You can also add a few drops of lemon juice or a lemon wedge to the drink.

Drinking recommendation for weight loss

Recommended drinking turmeric ginger tea for weight loss

This drink is said to speed up your metabolism. It is therefore important to drink it at the right time.

If you follow these instructions, you will see results soon:

  • Drink on an empty stomach throughout the day. You can also use it to replace some of the water you drink every day. The tea will provide you with energy and at the same time support your weight loss goal.
  • In addition, as already mentioned, the tea has a filling effect. It is therefore also advisable to drink a cup of it half an hour before eating.

Don’t forget that ginger turmeric tea is not a miracle cure. Although it has many positive properties that will help you lose weight, you need to eat a balanced diet and get enough exercise.

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