Cold Hands And Feet All Year Round – Why?

In psychology, cold extremities are associated with difficulty in making decisions and having problems getting on with life.

Cold hands and feet all year round - why?

In winter, when it’s cold, it is quite normal to have cold hands and feet – but what can be the causes of cold extremities in summer?

You can learn more about it in this post. We anticipate here that poor blood circulation is one of the main causes.

Cold hands and feet – for 365 days

The body is warm, you might even sweat on a hot summer day at 35ºC, but you still have cold  hands and feet . What can this be? The reason for this problem is usually to be found in poor blood circulation. 

Under certain circumstances it can happen that the hands and feet (more precisely the fingers or toes) are not supplied with sufficient blood. They therefore cool down and become less sensitive.

Aside from circulatory disorders, which we will explain in more detail below, it may also be due to a low-calorie diet or, in more serious cases, heart disease.

Cold feet

“I do not understand that. I am healthy, it is summer, I eat well, do sports …  but why are my hands and feet always cold even though I wear socks in July? ” It can be a warning signal from the body. He draws attention to the fact that something is wrong.

The feet and hands form the end of two very important parts of the body. Torso and legs. They represent an important connection between inside and outside. They are always the first thing to be moved when we move or pick up something.

As already mentioned, poor blood circulation is one of the most common organic causes. Perhaps the blood cannot flow properly due to poor posture in daily work.

Another possible cause is the narrowing of the blood vessels, the drop in the metabolic rate or too low blood pressure (hypotension).

Are there other reasons for cold hands and feet?

In addition to the causes mentioned, emotional problems can also be responsible for cold hands or feet. Then you will learn more about it.

If you suffer from cold extremities year round, it may be because the body is having an internal conflict over whether to step forward or contract.

Put more simply: You want to do something, but you are held back by a (perhaps unknown) reason.

Cold hands

For example, if you want to buy chocolate and your brain tells you that you are on a weight loss diet or that the price is too high for your budget, you automatically withdraw your hand. This causes the blood flow to be reduced in that area.

Psychology studies the relationship between emotional fears and cold extremities.

If one cannot take a step forward in order to learn, mature, form a family or achieve the desired goals, the organism is ordered to stop sending blood to the feet.

Those who wish to hug, stroke or take someone by the hand, but do not realize this and renounce the wishes, who look but do not touch … can suffer from cold extremities.

Noticing this is very easy. However, understanding how cold feet or hands relate to emotional problems is a little more difficult. This leads to disruptions between feelings and actions or statements.

It is time to act and enjoy life! Do not hide your feelings! Do not pull back your hands and feet. Step forward and you will see that you can solve the cold extremity problem in this way too.

How can you avoid cold hands or feet?

If circulatory problems are causing the symptoms, you can use the following natural remedies to get warm again:



Ginger has the ability to stimulate metabolism, relieve stomach discomfort, and improve blood circulation. Muscle pain can also be relieved with it. This very healthy root also helps raise body temperature. Drink the following tea:

  • Scald 1 teaspoon of grated ginger with a cup (250 ml) of boiling water.


Cinnamon warms the stomach, helps with indigestion, increases the temperature of internal organs, improves blood circulation and relieves pain.

It also helps against the uncomfortable feeling of cold hands and feet. Simply sprinkle some cinnamon (preferably organic Ceylon cinnamon) in your coffee, tea or on desserts.

Gingko biloba

This herb has natural vasodilatory effects and stimulates the hands and feet. Gingko Biloba improves blood circulation (especially in the brain) and ensures clear thoughts. This plant can be bought in pill form at health food stores.

Don’t forget to do exercises to keep your feet and hands warm with movement and to promote blood circulation. Make sure your extremities aren’t in the same position for too long.

A good technique is to rotate your ankles and wrists while moving your toes and fingers.

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