Cell Phone Neck And What You Can Do About It

The cell phone neck describes the entirety of all symptoms that are associated with the use of cell phones, but primarily neck pain. In this article we give tips on prevention.

Cell phone neck and what to do about it

There are different names for what we call mobile phone neck in German. The best known is the English term “text neck”, which means something like “text neck ”, alluding to the text messages sent with the mobile phone.

The German term cell phone neck actually comes closer to the matter, because it refers to the entirety of the complaints caused by the use of smartphones. The pain starts in the neck and usually spreads to the shoulder and back areas. Headaches can also occur.

The symptoms occur most in adolescents, as they use smartphones particularly intensively. It is estimated that there are nearly three billion cell phone users worldwide ; so a very large part of the population is at risk.

While pain is seen as the main problem, it is important to remember that doctors have been warning about the harm that can be caused by intensive cell phone use for some time. Impairment of eyesight due to exposure to light from the displays or overloaded joints are just a few examples.

Even if the neck of a cell phone is not an internationally recognized disease, the symptoms cannot be denied. One then speaks generally of neck pain or dizziness. The fact is that the neck pain is caused by the position of the head, as we will explain in a moment.

Causes of Cell Phone Neck

The deeper cause of the cell phone neck lies in the position of the head. This is attributed to smartphone use, but what actually causes the pain is the head bowed in an abnormal position for a long time.

When the head is upright in a normal or neutral position, it weighs about five kilograms on the spine. This is the weight of the skull structure.

Cellphone woman smartphone

However, if the head is tilted forward, the weight increases, which is on the neck. At an incline of forty-five degrees, the load increases to over twenty kilograms.

The problem is, you get used to the posture and adopt it automatically. The inclination of the head when reading and writing on the display increases the more you use the cell phone. It happens automatically without our noticing.

Compared to using a computer, using a cell phone causes a greater tilt of the head. It has also been found that when you use computers, you are less likely to tilt your head or shrug your shoulders.

All of this has to be seen from an ergonomic point of view. Ergonomists, i.e. the specialists who deal with postures and their effects on health, define the risks on the so-called RULA scale. Everyday mobile phone use is reflected here with an average of 6 points, which corresponds to a very high risk.

What is the best posture for smartphone use?

As with all activities that require a certain posture, there are correct postures and a healthy way to adopt them. There are three main criteria for good posture in cell phones:

  • The head must be kept in a neutral position without any tilt
  • The hand holding the cell phone should always be at eye level so that you don’t have to lower your head.
  • It is necessary to give the neck moments of relaxation and to change the position from time to time.

Since the cell phone neck falls into a category with excessive computer use, similar recommendations apply to both. When sitting at the computer, your head must be kept perfectly straight at zero degrees and the monitor must be at eye level ; interruptions and pauses are also required here.

Woman neck pain

What measures can be taken to prevent the cell phone neck?

No drastic measures are necessary to prevent the cell phone neck. Here are some basic rules of conduct that you can apply directly:

  • Breaks while using your mobile phone: It is essential to take regular breaks on the screen, especially when using your mobile phone, in order to protect your eyes and relax your neck muscles.
  • Stretching exercises: Take advantage of the off-screen time to turn your head and stretch your neck muscles. You can also stretch your upper limbs to help relax the neck area.
  • Raise the arm and brackets: The screen must always be at eye level to allow the head to be in a neutral position. You should make it your task to repeatedly check the hand that is holding the cell phone for the correct height or to adjust the table or corresponding furniture and brackets to the correct height.
  • Reduce brightness: The brightness of the cell phone screen can result in overstimulation of the eye muscles, which in turn is associated with the contraction of the neck muscles.
  • Do not use the cell phone to fall asleep: We have got used to skimming or reading our messages again right before we go to sleep. This is absolutely unnatural and the tense arms, the flood of light for the eyes and the lack of neck support counteract relaxation.

    If the cell phone neck is accompanied by pain, consult a doctor or specialist. Most likely, they will prescribe physical therapy and pain relievers to help manage the acute pain. Basically, there is no need to panic when it comes to the neck of a cell phone, but of course it is always better to prevent.

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