Can You Eat What You Want After Training?

Did you earn a reward after training and can you eat what you want right? Not quite. Find out more about this topic here.

Can you eat what you want after training?

There are many fairy tales when it comes to exercising and eating. You may have wondered if you can eat what you want after a workout.

After all, you deserve a reward after hard work in the gym. This article will get to the bottom of these and other questions, so read on!

Exercise and nutrition

Some have a particularly good metabolism and can indulge in ice cream or pizza after training  . However, this is not always a good idea.

Eating too much is never good, even after exercising. We will then take a closer look at this topic.

One thing to consider is how many calories you burn and how many you take in. Of course, your goals are also  important. 

If you want to lose weight, you shouldn’t be consuming more calories than you work out. If your goal is to gain muscle or weight, it looks very different.

Also,  age, gender, body type, genetics and body fat percentage play an important role. Therefore, the training and also the diet must be adjusted accordingly.

Can I eat what I want after training?

Eat what you want after your workout

If you exercise regularly, you can treat yourself to a treat every now and then. A reward won’t affect your weight, nor will you have to start over. Something sweet or a hot dog won’t put you back on the pounds you lost.

However, many use exercise as an excuse to overeat afterward. The idea here is: I spent an hour on the bike trainer, now I can have a drink.

If this happens once or twice a month, no problem. However, if it becomes a daily habit, you will never be able to compensate for the excessive calories. Instead of losing weight, you will gain weight .

You can still gain weight even though you go to the gym every day. Of course, training is helpful, but diet should also be right  if you want to achieve your goals. 

The answer is therefore clear: even if you do sport, you cannot always eat what you want. A healthy and balanced diet is still very important. Especially if you want to lose weight. 

Professional athletes move on a completely different level. They eat a lot of protein and can sometimes have three plates of pasta for lunch or three bananas and some eggs for breakfast.

Why? Because they burn an incredible amount of calories in their training and competitions and have to consume corresponding amounts.

Exercise and appetite

It should now be clear that you can’t justify a bag of chips or a cheeseburger after training. You need to know your body and your own metabolism. So you can choose the right food after training and you don’t have to go hungry.

When you are done exercising, it is normal to be hungry. Your body used a lot of energy and burned calories. It needs fuel like a car. But what fuel are you going to give him?

You can opt for poor quality fuel and end up with a broken gearbox. High quality fuel, on the other hand, will allow you to move on and not get stuck.

Inferior food is fast food, candy, or fried foods. High quality foods are fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grain products.  This allows your body to recover healthily from training and you can achieve your goals.

Fairy tale about exercising

I can eat what I want and other fairy tales

We have already refuted a fairy tale that you can eat whatever you want after training. Have more myths checked.

1. Stretching improves exercise performance

Actually, stretching is only used to prevent injuries; it has nothing to do with performance.

2. When you stop exercising, muscles turn into fat

When you stop exercising, you lose muscle mass and your metabolism slows down. In time you will start to gain weight. However, your muscles will never turn into fat.

3. If the scales show a higher weight, I have put on weight

Eat what I want or what my goals are

It seems obvious, but it is not. In truth, it has to do with the nature of your workout and your goals. Fat and muscle do not have the same density. If your scale shows more weight, you may have gained muscle mass.

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