Blood Test Shows Depression

With a blood test, depression can be diagnosed early so that countermeasures can be taken more quickly.

Blood test shows depression

Scientists at the university have developed a procedure in which a simple blood test can be used to detect depression at an early stage.

Early diagnosis through a blood test can help prevent depression from developing into depression.

Blood test measures potential for depression

The blood test can not only prove an existing depression “in black and white”. A statement can also be made about how severe the depression is; or the likelihood of a depressive mood turning into depression in the near future.

Until now, it has not been possible to diagnose mental illness with a blood test. However, the new procedure can help to provide help to those affected more quickly and at an earlier stage of their depression or depressed mood. This can prevent the condition from worsening further.

Brain and blood test for depression

What the serotonin level says

In the new blood test, the hormone serotonin is examined in particular.

Serotonin is also called the “happiness hormone”.  But it also participates in many other processes in the body that are affected by depression. These include sleep behavior, our memory, our perception of pain and, in particular, our emotions.

The lower the serotonin level on the blood test, the higher the likelihood of being in the middle of depression or developing it in the near future.

The less serotonin in the blood, the worse the quality of sleep – which in turn affects the state of mind and which can further promote and worsen depression.

blood test

Why red blood cells are important

The blood test also shows the volume and number of red blood cells. If their volume decreases and their number decreases, the risk of depression or the degree of severity of depression increases.

The reduced number and performance of the red blood cells leads to a poorer oxygen supply and thus additional fatigue. Affected people feel weak and drained, the anemia and the resulting physical exhaustion and weakness worsen the state of depression.

Reagent tube for blood test

Stress hormones are measurable

The blood test that makes depression visible and measurable also looks for stress hormones.

When the stress level rises, the cortisol level in the blood rises. The stress hormone cortisol is not only released during actual stress, but also when people feel pressured by depression.

The constant psychological stress caused by depression leads to an increased release of cortisol, which can be measured in a blood test and is another important blood value in the diagnosis of depression.

Eleven biomarkers evaluated

In addition to the factors already mentioned , the blood test can also determine the values ​​of eleven biomarkers that are important for diagnosing depression.

These support the doctor in the diagnosis and can be decisive when it comes to deciding whether it is “just” a depressive mood, a “full-blown” depression or a combination of depression and anxiety.

Ribonucleic acid is one of these organic brands.

Blood vessels

Mineral deficiency in depression

Regardless of whether you suffer from depression or the lighter variant, the depressive mood: sometimes malnutrition or malnutrition is partly responsible.

There are some studies that suggest that a diet that does not have all of the vitamins and minerals you need leads to depression.

An improper diet with ready-made products, fast food, frozen food, canned meals and their relatives can lead to deficiency symptoms that we do not perceive as such. Usually there is a lack of magnesium and potassium.

Magnesium acts on the synapses of nerve cells in a similar way to other prescription antidepressants. In many cases it is even recommended by doctors as supportive treatment for depressive moods.

Will the blood test become routine?

The new research results have not yet reached our doctor’s offices. And there is still no laboratory that offers a special “depression test using blood analysis”.

For a more precise diagnosis, however, your doctor can already have some of the relevant factors determined with a blood test.  And use the knowledge gained from this to diagnose and treat your complaints.

Perhaps in the future the intestinal flora will also be examined in order to diagnose depression at an early stage? Research is also working on it. The first results strongly suggest that a disturbed intestinal flora can also lead to depression in humans.

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