Back Pain – How Our Emotions Affect Them

Back pain has many causes. The influence of our emotions should not be underestimated!

Back Pain - How Our Emotions Affect It

The power of our thoughts can have negative consequences. Our emotions also influence our body in a not inconsiderable way. Back pain is no exception.

Often there is no medical cause for illness and harmless “niggles” are often made worse by the power of thoughts alone. This also applies to back pain . But read for yourself!

Psychosomatic back pain

Your back hurts and nobody can find the cause? The probability that something is on your mind and thus not only burdens you but also your back is great! Statistically speaking, no specific medical cause can be found in 85% of all back pain cases.

Such problems are then caused “only” by stress, psychological problems and nervous overload. If the stress disappears and the patients have some time to relax again, the back pain usually also disappears.

Back pain

Intensity of pain

How strong one or the other feels a pain is also very different. Women like to laugh at men who are considered sensitive to pain, but there are also many women who experience pain more intensely than others.

The social environment, psychological stability and previous history of the patient have a great influence on the perception of pain.

For example, some back pain can be perceived as “unbearably bad” by some, while others simply feel a “slight pull”. The more attention is shown to the pain, the stronger it becomes.


Stress makes pain

When we are under stress, we automatically tense our muscles, unconsciously pull our shoulders up and cramp easily without being aware of it. Anyone who can deal with stress well relaxes as well as their body.

Anyone who has not learned to deal with stress properly does not let go of the unconscious tension and tension.

This creates, among other things, bad posture, relieving posture – and other tension. And the muscles that are tense over a longer period of time then react with pain.

And you perceive that as back pain. The cause? No herniated disc, no spinal problems – just stress!

Learn strategies to cope better with stress and also take care of yourself. If you notice the first signs of muscle tension in your back, relax consciously, take a hot bath, enjoy a soothing massage, go to bed early and do what is good for you .

Because only when your head is relaxed can your brain also send the “liberating” signal to your back muscles to relax.

Back pain

Chronic back pain

People who suffer from anxiety, depressive moods or depression have a much higher risk of developing chronic back pain.

80% of all people who suffer from chronic back pain also suffer from depression or depressive moods! What they all have in common is that, from a purely medical point of view, the back is perfectly healthy!

The condition worsens more and more through overanxiousness, relieving posture or careful movements. Sport, exercise and relaxation help more than any medication.

Back pain

Search for causes

Those affected find it difficult to accept that they need psychological and non-orthopedic help. Therefore, causes are sought to give the triggers for chronic back pain a different “aftertaste”.

In order to be able to explain yourself: “It is not my own fault, I cannot change anything”, a medical reason, a name for the symptoms is sought.

And because even the smallest signs of wear and tear on the intervertebral discs and vertebrae can be detected from an early age of around 30, the alleged culprit is usually found quickly.

Signs of wear and tear cannot be reversed – how practical – they even get worse with age!

Now it is up to you or the doctor whether you can get yourself out of this vicious circle of chronic back pain, or let yourself be freed, or complain for the rest of your life. Because, as already explained: pain is always subjective …


What can you do?

What can you do to avoid falling into the “sick mind trap”? It’s actually quite simple, but it does take some self-reflection.

First of all, it is necessary to recognize and accept that the back pain is psychologically caused by, for example, stress.

And then to realize that you hold the key to solving the problem in your hand, because only you can change your own life so that there is more room for relaxation.

Anyone who is poor at dealing with stress should learn to cope with stress better. Courses are offered regularly for this purpose.

Anyone who suffers from depressive moods or depression will find that the improvement in their psychological state is accompanied by an improvement in their back problems.

Always remember: 85% of all back pain is caused by your head, not your back!

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