Are Green Apples Healthier?

Green apples contain more chlorophyll than red apples.

Are Green Apples Healthier?

Green smoothies, green apples, green as far as the eye can see when it comes to health trends.

Occasionally one hears that fruits and vegetables colored green are healthier than other colors. What is the truth of the statement – and what can apples, whether green or not, do for your health?

Green apples, healthier apples?

Green apples are considered particularly healthy because that suggests their green color. In Germany, the most popular green apple is probably the Granny Smith, which is particularly crisp, bright green and refreshingly sour.

What sounds healthy in principle unfortunately has its downsides:

The Granny Smith apple needs a lot of warmth to thrive. Warmth that he doesn’t get from us, because he originally comes from Australia and New Zealand.

It is still grown there, as well as in China and the USA. So by the time the healthy green apple is in your fruit basket, it has traveled around the world. And that, although we also grow apples!

Rest assured: our apples from domestic cultivation are also healthy. Very healthy in fact! And all without a trip around the world!

Green apple breakfast

Apples are high in fiber

They are found in apples in the form of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is what you don’t see but which is still good for your gut and health.

The pectins in apples are one of them, for example. It is you who also make jam gel. They are water-soluble and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Dietary fiber is also said to be helpful in preventing colon cancer. Studies also suggest that a high-fiber breakfast can even lower cholesterol.

Apples are generally high in fiber. They contain even more if you don’t peel them, but eat them with the peel (organic quality!).

As a juice, apples have no fiber – and even more calories than sweet lemonade! Therefore, always eat apples in their most natural form: as a whole fruit. No matter whether green or red apples!

Apple peel

Fiber from apples can help lower cholesterol

Dietary fiber is very effective against high cholesterol. Studies have shown that when a high-cholesterol meal is followed by a high-fiber meal, the increase in blood cholesterol was significantly lower.

The roughage works in the intestine like a kind of “cleaning column” : it cleans the cholesterol that is still attached to the intestinal veins from the previous meal before it gets into the blood and transports it towards the toilet bowl.

Specifically, this means: the more fiber you eat, the less cholesterol actually gets into your blood!

An apple provides you with a good amount of fiber if you eat it with a green or red skin.


Apples are vitamin bombs!

There are around 30 vitamins in an apple! To list them all would be too much of a good thing, but the number alone certainly shows you how healthy an apple is!

The most important vitamins in it are: provitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B6, lots of vitamin C, vitamin E and also niacin and folic acid.

Green apples need less sun to ripen, which is why they tend to contain fewer vitamins. The more ripe an apple, the more plump it is filled with vitamins.

Since green apples from overseas are not harvested fully ripe in order to survive the transport, the vitamin bombs are more likely not to be found among the green apples …


Which apple should I buy now? Green or red?

The fruit counter is full of different apples. They are red, yellow, green, piebald, large, small, juicy, woody, sweet or sour. The choice is difficult.

In general, you should buy the apples that come from your home country, i.e. from regional origins.

An apple that is shipped to us from New Zealand can never be as fresh and full of vitamins as an apple from the fruit grower around the corner!

A second tip is to give preference to old apple tarts. With new breeds, the focus is on rapid growth, a sweet taste and resistance to pests and diseases – not on the optimal composition of the herbal ingredients!

And because you eat the peel at the same time because of the fiber and secondary plant substances, only apples from controlled organic cultivation are really recommended.

In Germany, too, pesticide residues are found on 88% of all apples from conventional (ie not “organic”) cultivation. 60% even contained an obscure poison cocktail made up of up to 8 different substances!

So think more about the growing method when buying apples than the color …

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