Regulation Of The Hormone Balance To Improve Fat Burning

Hormone fluctuations can be responsible for the fact that you do not lose weight. Depending on the desired area of ​​the body where fat is to be broken down, specific treatments to balance certain hormones are required.

Regulation of hormones to improve fat burning

There is an important connection between the hormonal balance and fat burning. Therefore, some people find it very difficult to lose weight, even if they are dieting and getting enough exercise.

In this post you will learn which foods can regulate the hormonal balance to promote fat burning .

Not only does metabolism have a major influence on fat burning, hormone levels also play an important role.

It depends on where the fat is deposited and how great the hunger and cravings are. Even with great efforts, good results can often not be achieved as long as the hormonal balance is disturbed.

Avoiding fast food and running for half an hour every day is not always enough to lose weight. In the following, we will give you various tips to regulate the hormone balance and achieve better results.

Hormonal balance and fat burning

It is good to know the basics about hormones. These biochemical substances are produced by the body, for example to regulate the energy balance. They fight stress, maintain muscle mass, etc.

For this reason, many women often have great cravings during a certain phase of menstruation or a craving for very special dishes during pregnancy. When the hormonal balance is balanced, you feel more energy and can also lose weight more easily.

Belly fat

The first step is a body detox to get rid of all pollutants. In particular, those foods that the body craves frequently are harmful. This is probably why you crave potato chips more than you do an apple.

Even if it is difficult at first, opt for a healthy diet because the results are excellent. Diet plays an important role in detoxifying or poisoning the body.

Which foods are good?

You should avoid all foods with a high glycemic index, as they make you want more food. In plain English, this means that you should reduce or avoid carbohydrates and refined sugars.

This includes bread, rice, pasta, pastries and everything that is white and sweet. You should also avoid processed foods with many additives and preservatives.

Foods that are recommended not only for weight loss, but also for general health are characterized by a low glycemic index and ensure a balanced hormonal balance.

These also improve the complexion. Foods high in fiber improve overall well-being and digestion. These include, for example, bananas, raisins, artichokes, oatmeal, nuts and beans.

You should also not forget about the daily 2 liters of water (in summer up to 3 liters) in order to promote the metabolism and to rid the organism of pollutants via the urine and perspiration.

Foods to help you lose weight in different areas of the body

Some parts of the body are easier to lose weight on others, and more difficult to lose weight. This varies from person to person and also depends on lifestyle and hormones.

For example, if you have high levels of estrogen, more fat will build up on your hips and thighs. Therefore, each zone can be affected by different foods.

Abdominal area

A round stomach is not always the result of overeating or incorrect emptying of the bowel. An increased level of cortisol (stress hormone) also deposits fat on the stomach. The stomach is therefore usually a problem area for people who are exposed to great stress for a longer period of time.

A good natural remedy in this case is purple basil, an herb from India that reduces cortisol levels. Other alternatives are spinach, citrus fruits, barley, beans, and nuts.


If the fat accumulates mainly on your back (including the upper part, which is rare), it may be because your insulin levels are high.

Foods that can help in this case are those that contain linoleic acid: for example, yogurt, lean meat, seeds, and green vegetables.



A beautiful, firm bottom is the dream of many women. If fat builds up in this area, the hormone estrogen may be to blame.

In this case, the consumption of cruciferous vegetables is recommended: for example, cauliflower and broccoli are rich in phytochemicals that neutralize estrogen.

Flax seeds, chia or sesame seeds, as well as red grapes and pomegranates can also be very helpful.

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