Modern Education – Straitjacket For Children?

Modern parenting methods are often like a straitjacket for children, which limits their development. When the children are older, they don’t know how to find their way through the jungle of everyday life on their own. 

Modern upbringing - straitjacket for children?

In modern education  , the whole life of children is often analyzed and organized down to the smallest detail. There is hardly any space left for improvisation and no time to actually enjoy life like a child.

It is true that children learn much faster than adults. It is a fundamental phase of life to absorb knowledge that is very important in adulthood.

But there is something that is even more important: be  happy!

Modern upbringing can be very restrictive

Girl eyes

In the current upbringing , parents are mostly  responsible for preventing their children from enjoying their childhood to the fullest. 

Tutoring, extracurricular activities that are organized down to the last detail, a fully organized timetable … Children no longer have time to organize their own free time and are overwhelmed with responsibilities.

The acquisition of knowledge comes first,  but there is no more room for personal development.

The children are not bored, that’s right. Boredom, gaming, and time that can easily be lost are three basic things that adults don’t consider good, but allow creativity to develop.

Children may need this creativity as adults in their job. It is a very important quality that is absolutely necessary and in great demand.

But if norms and organization already mark the youngest childhood, if there is no time to play in this phase of life, then when?

Characteristics of parents who choke on their children


Parents are often not aware  that their children live the way they would like themselves to live. Are we really forgetting our own childhood that quickly?

A little self-criticism is always good to find out if you belong to those parents who take their children away, organize the whole day and don’t allow them time for their own lives.

  • They control their children’s lives.  Now you go to play soccer, after that you have English lessons, at five o’clock there is a snack … there is no possibility for the children to just let themselves down, talk independently and think of nothing. Everything is planned down to the smallest detail.
  • These kinds of parents don’t leave their children room for dreams. It is not important what the children want,  they simply have to adapt to their parents’ ideas. Is that a good upbringing?

For example, it doesn’t matter whether you like the music class or not. Since one parent did not have the opportunity to learn to play an instrument in childhood, the child must now fulfill that dream.

  • Values ​​turn into a doctrine of which there is nothing to be doubted. These parents do not allow their children to think differently.
  • The children are not viewed as a person, but as a valuable possession that must be shaped according to one’s own wishes so that it can be successful in the future.

The freedom of the youngest in education

bored girl

Children need freedom. You have to be able to explore the world and be curious; boredom is one of them; or just switch off, play and learn to build relationships with others.

Under no circumstances should one allow a child not to learn to think for themselves, that they blindly believe everything that adults tell them, that they cannot form their own criteria and opinions.

Adults know that everyone sees and interprets the world differently,  that diversity and different perspectives enrich life. 

We don’t have to raise perfect children. Children have to make mistakes in order to learn from them, fall down to get up and discover what they like – and this is exactly what needs to be encouraged.

But children in particular need a lot of love,  quality time with their parents and fun moments. 

Parents’ attitudes or prejudices should definitely not destroy their children’s dreams.

If the child wants ballet lessons, let them go! If they want to sing or ride a horse, allow them to do so and do not oblige them to engage in other recreational activities that they do not enjoy.

It is not about setting limits for the children that hinder them in their development and discovery of the world. Children have to experiment themselves and enjoy life to the fullest.

Girl eyes

Who knows what our children can expect in the future. But we know what is good for you in the present: a place full of love, understanding, fun and joy.

Don’t suffocate your children,  let them fly free so they can develop on their own. 

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