9 Tips To Rejuvenate The Face With Natural Home Remedies

In order for the face to look young, it is not only necessary to ensure that there is sufficient moisture inside and out: our mood also plays a decisive role

9 tips to rejuvenate the face with natural home remedies

It is possible to rejuvenate the face with natural home remedies if we follow the appropriate advice: intake of antioxidants, facial massages, balanced emotional life, sun exposure in moderation …

In this article, we’ll show you 9 tips to rejuvenate your  face using natural home remedies. Read on to find out more!

Tips to rejuvenate the face with natural home remedies

1. Antioxidant intake

When trying to rejuvenate the face using natural home remedies, eatinghealthy diet is essential. You can take care of your general health at the same time!

It is important to include foods with antioxidants in your diet regularly to prevent cell oxidation. These include, for example, the following:

  • Vitamin C: Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, asparagus, broccoli, avocado, beetroot, cabbage, currants.
  • Vitamin E: nuts, spinach, avocado, whole grains, pollen, parsley, cold-pressed vegetable oils.
  • Beta carotene: fish oils, alfalfa, asparagus, apricots, beetroot, carrots, garlic.
  • Lycopene: tomatoes, watermelon, guava.
  • Flavonoids: alfalfa sprouts, spinach, limes, onions, berries, black pepper, green tea, wine, beer.
  • Vitamin B6: Meat, fish, milk, eggs, whole grains, potatoes, spinach, wheat seeds, avocado, dried fruits, brewer’s yeast.
  • Resveratrol: grapes and red wine.
  • Olein: olive oil.

2. Be careful with solar radiation!

Sunscreen to rejuvenate the face with natural home remedies

The sun in moderation tans the skin and supports the formation of vitamin D, which is important for the body.

However, excessive sun exposure leads to premature aging and other negative health consequences. It is therefore advisable not  to be in the sun longer than 10 to 15 minutes in  order to avoid damage to the skin. Use the right sun protection when you are outdoors for a long time and avoid the intense sunlight at lunchtime.

3. Facial massages

Massages are pleasant and very healthy. Facial massages can pamper your skin and keep it young. You can do the massage in the morning after getting up or before going to bed. It is also worthwhile to use a few free minutes during the day for this.

Use nourishing vegetable oils or a natural cream for the massage. You can use it to improve blood circulation. The skin will stay elastic and young longer.

Use different types of massage on the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and around the eyes.

4. Gentle brushing

Massages to rejuvenate the face with natural home remedies

There are special brushes for gentle facial skin. You can use it to stimulate blood circulation in the skin and at the same time remove dead skin. Your complexion will improve and you will look young and fresh.

Choose a very gentle brush and use it to massage your face once or twice a week.

5. Be careful with grimaces and tension

Stress and tension are reflected in the face, and grimaces or certain gestures also leave their mark.

Therefore, try to manage stress and prevent the premature wrinkling that can result from certain facial expressions that you repeat over and over again.

6. Contact with nature

Going to nature to rejuvenate the face with natural home remedies

You should take every opportunity  to escape the city and enjoy the great outdoors. How about a trip to the sea or to the mountains, for example?

The fresh air and natural surroundings are wonderful not only for the skin, but also for the soul. Happiness and satisfaction can be seen immediately in everyone, and the complexion also benefits from them.

7. Vegetable oils and essential oils

Plant oils and essential oils provide your skin with important nutrients. They have a strong antioxidant effect and are therefore ideally suited for skin care.

The following oils are particularly recommended:

Vegetable oils:

  • Coconut oil
  • almond oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Rose hip oil

Essential oils:

  • Lavender oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Rose oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • Geranium oil

8. Drink plenty of water

Drink water to rejuvenate face using natural home remedies

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water so that the skin receives the necessary moisture and remains free from impurities. Drink the water between meals to  get the desired effect. On average, we recommend 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day!

9. Mirror of the soul

The face is the mirror of the soul, so it is very important to maintain emotional health if you want to shine through beautiful, radiant skin.

When you strive to lead a healthy, harmonious life every day , it has surprising effects on your skin too !

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