How Can You Treat Dark Circles Naturally?

Good hydration, both external and internal, is fundamental to avoid dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes and to prevent wrinkles.

How can you treat dark circles naturally?

Dark circles are black spots that form around the eyes and give the face a tired look, as if we were sick.

They occur because of high melanin or hyperpigmentation and can also have genetic or temporal causes.

Even if in many cases there is a health problem, it is usually an aesthetic problem that is difficult to hide because it affects our face and is most common on light skin.

There are many treatment options and products on the market that aim to remove dark circles under the eyes in a short time; The only problem with these products is that some of them are very expensive or aggressive to the skin.

But there are also various home remedies that can help reduce the annoyance of these dark spots and give your face a fresh look.

How can you naturally weaken dark circles?

eye bags

When dark circles are the product of a genetic or hormonal predisposition, it is difficult to get rid of them completely; however, there is some advice that can help soften them and restore skin’s beauty.

Get enough sleep

One of the most common reasons for dark circles is poor quality sleep; therefore it is important to sleep 7-8 hours a day.

Avoid salt

Excessive consumption of this product stores fluids in the body and thus affects the appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Daily make-up removal

The use of dark make-up also affects the appearance of dark circles, so it is important to remove make-up every day before going to bed.

Moisture for the eyes

Hydration plays an important role in the beauty of the face. The eye area is a very sensitive area that should be treated with a moisturizer at least twice a day to prevent dark circles and premature aging.

Sun protection

Direct sunlight increases the risk of bags, dark circles and sagging around the eyes.

Natural remedies for dark circles

When taking advantage of various natural remedies, it is possible to reduce and remove these annoying black spots under the eyes.

almond oil

almond oil

This oil is excellent for the sensitive skin under the eyes.

It contains vitamin E and antioxidants that moisturize the skin and accelerate the regeneration process in this zone.


Buy good quality almond oil and apply a small amount to the affected skin area twice a day: once in the morning and a second time in the evening before going to bed.


The cucumber is one of the most popular remedies for problems in the eye area, as it has a firming and anti-inflammatory effect and is also very refreshing.


  • Cut the cucumber into thick slices, put them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, and then place them on the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Another helpful option is to prepare cucumber juice with lime, dunk a cotton ball in it, and apply it to the affected area.

    Rose water

    Rose water

    This agent tightens and strengthens the skin, at the same time it has  a regenerating effect and has a calming effect on inflamed eyes and dark circles.


    • Soak a few cotton pads in the rose water for a few minutes
    • Place the cotton pads on your closed eyelids, then leave them on for 15 minutes.


    Their antioxidants and nutrients make them  a perfect natural skin lightener and at the same time a relaxing refreshment for the facial skin.


    • Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with half a teaspoon of lime juice and then apply this to the affected area for 15 minutes.
    • Be very careful not to get the juice in your eyes as it can be very stinging.
    • If you want even better results, drink a glass of tomato juice with fresh mint leaves, lime, and sea salt in addition to the topical treatment.



    Tea contains caffeine as well as antioxidants that promote blood circulation and fight water retention in the body.

    The tannins in tea are active ingredients that reduce swelling and discoloration.


    • Put two used tea bags (green or black tea) in the refrigerator. When these are cold, apply them to your eyes and let them soak in for 15 minutes.

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