These Habits Harm Your Heart Health

Get advice from a nutritionist and don’t forget to exercise regularly! 

These habits are detrimental to your heart health

There are many habits that everyone knows to be harmful to heart health, but others are less well known. You can easily avoid them to protect your health and maintain your quality of life.

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Habits harmful to heart health

1. Long periods of sitting

Exercise is good for heart health

Do you exercise regularly? Then we can congratulate you. However, if you spend much of the day sitting down, problems can still arise. You should be active throughout the day, even if it’s just small movements.

If you work in an office, you should get up briefly at least every hour and take a few steps  to encourage blood circulation. Stretch out and give your back some rest.

Moving is easier than you think: For example, you can dance or squat while watching TV when the commercials come on, or use your home trainer while watching your favorite series.

2. You are young and believe that there is no need for prevention

Waiting until you are older to do something for your heart health is not a good idea.

Exercise and a healthy diet are important at all ages. You should also check your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

This way you stay healthy and at the same time you can do something for your beauty. The perfect moment to take care of your health is right now!

3. Too much alcohol

Alcohol in small quantities is usually not a problem, but you should keep it within limits! Alcoholic drinks have a harmful effect on blood lipid levels and blood pressure, among other things. 

4. Unilateral nutrition


An unbalanced diet can result in a lack of nutrients. Therefore, opt for a varied, healthy eating plan. 

The Mediterranean diet  , for example, is delicious and very healthy for the heart. It is characterized by healthy fatty acids, lots of fiber and other important nutrients.

5. You do not check your blood values

What is your current cholesterol level? What about the blood pressure? You should check your blood values ​​regularly so that you can identify changes early on.

They are silent illnesses that  do not initially have any symptoms. Get regular checkups!

6. Belly fat accumulates

Belly fat is particularly dangerous for heart health. If your waist is over 18 inches (for women) or 101.6 cm (for men), you should definitely do something about it.

Get advice from a nutritionist and don’t forget to exercise regularly!

7. You ignore your mental health

When you are feeling depressed, it is difficult to take care of your general health. Most withdraw from this situation and forget to do sports.

If you are experiencing pressure, stress, or anxiety, seek help from a medical professional to cope better with it.

Talking therapy, exercising, or meditation are all activities that can replace bad habits and help you out of a low.

In this way you can improve your state of mind  and recharge your batteries.

8. You are a passive smoker

passive smoking heart health

Not only is smoking harmful to your health, passive smokers are also at great risk. Tobacco is harmful to heart health and  blood vessels.

Ask people around you not to smoke in the same room. It’s about your health! You may also be doing your fellow human beings good if you can get them to quit smoking.

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