Prevent Absurd Discussions In A Relationship

Good communication is essential in a relationship, but absurd discussions should be avoided. You should be able to talk about anything easily without having to hold back things that could affect the future of the relationship.

Prevent absurd discussions in a relationship

In a relationship it is quite normal to have discussions from time to time , but these are often absurd and can destroy the relationship, so you should try to avoid them.

Sometimes a grain of sand turns into a mountain and the reason for this in many relationships is that there is a lack of communication and also a lack of listening.

Both speaking and listening are very important in a partnership. You have to understand each other and make basic things clear.

If this is not the case, absurd discussions can increase and over time destroy the relationship. So it is important to learn how to prevent this from happening.

Social networks and communication with the partner


Social networks can be an excellent opportunity to be in touch with your partner, but  they can also lead to serious conflicts. 

Misunderstandings, words that are received with a different intention than they are pronounced, jealousy, friendships and much more can lead to absurd discussions that should be avoided.

It is better to speak to your partner directly, or at least call them and avoid absurd messages that can be misinterpreted.

In addition, any problems or doubts that arise in the relationship due to the social networks should be resolved as soon as possible.

The worst thing about a relationship is keeping things to yourself that are bothering you instead of talking about them.

If you talk about problems or doubts, you will find a solution. But messages via social networks are not suitable here, you have to look each other straight in the eye, because this is the best way for two people who love each other to understand each other.

Beware of allegations in discussions


Many absurd discussions arise when mutual accusations arise You have to solve different aspects.

If you don’t agree with something, you don’t forget it either, even if you don’t do or say something immediately. But usually this topic comes up again at the most inopportune time and leads to discussions.

How can this be prevented? You can program conversations with the person you love to talk about all those things that you cannot find time for in the stressful everyday life.

While this can be tiring at times,  it is necessary to talk about everything that is going on in your head. It can be nonsense, but it can be the cause of absurd discussions.

The big problem in many relationships in today’s society is that communication is often not open and honest. Often one reserves things for oneself, which then come to light again in an argument.

This should be avoided. You shouldn’t be afraid to express what you think and feel.

Don’t dig up past issues


This is very closely related to allegations that are constantly being brought forward. You look back in the past and think of moments and situations that were painful.

It’s a tough and cruel way of comparing current reality with what has already happened. The past has already been resolved, why are these events rehashing?

Learn to look more at your feet to move into the promising future instead of holding onto the past that is preventing you from moving forward.

Many people are unable to overcome the past  and therefore cannot fully enjoy the present. Doubts, fears, traumatic experiences … you have to resolve all of these as quickly as possible.

Better late than never: why don’t you find a solution to past problems now? Don’t let reproaches and unresolved situations build up in your relationship.


A relationship has to be nurtured and  pampered.  There is no room for reproach, for anything that has caused pain in the past.

You have to learn to forgive and talk about it, otherwise the relationship doesn’t make sense.

Talk to your life partner and look each other in the eye, don’t be afraid to say certain things. With your partner, you can feel free and talk about all of your thoughts and feelings.

This way you can avoid absurd discussions.

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