How To Use Tea Bags On The Eyes

Tea bags can help relieve eye problems, as well as reduce dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes . Do you want to try them out?

How to use tea bags for eyes

Did you know you can use tea bags on your eyes ? Due to stress, lack of sleep or sometimes genetics, many of us have dark circles under the eyes or puffy bags under the eyes. As a result, the natural beauty of our face can suffer.

Today we will discover with you how to use different  tea bags for the eyes  to solve these problems.

If we are about to present a project, an interview or a rendez-vous and we want the perfect look, then we can use the following options.

Tea bags for the eyes

Woman holds a tea bag to her eye
Some plants with anti-inflammatory effects can give us the perfect look.

Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Also called the peacock bush, this plant can help us alleviate various eye ailments. If we have reddened eyes or puffy bags under the eyes because we slept badly, then these tea bags for the eyes could be really good for us.

This is because of the anti-inflammatory properties of this plant, which is also used to reduce inflammation in the liver, lower fevers, and even treat asthma and bronchitis.

If you apply it externally, it is suitable for reducing dark circles under the eyes and puffy bags under the eyes. To do this, we should brew a tea and after it has cooled down, put the tea bags on the eyes.

Depending on the severity, we should let it work there for 15 minutes or even longer.

Matricaria camomilla

Camomile tea
Chamomile is a traditional natural remedy used to treat eye ailments.

We all know chamomile tea. But even if its beneficial effects against eye disorders are well known, we still have to be careful when using it.

One study suggests that if they apply it to the eyes, certain people may be allergic to the plant.

If we are sure that we do not have any allergic reactions to chamomile and that our skin accepts it without any problems, we can make use of its healing powers.

Make sure, however, that the tea bags for the eyes are always completely closed so that no piece of the contents can get into your eye and cause an infection such as conjunctivitis.

How does chamomile work? It treats inflammation in this sensitive area of ​​the face so that we can then enjoy a more attentive look.

Foeniculum vulgare

You can also make tea from fennel. If we use these tea bags for the eyes, we can cheer up tired eyes that may have been irritated by working in front of the computer or lack of sleep.

However, fennel can also help us with other problems:

  • Conjunctivitis : If we use the tea bags on each eye for a maximum of 10 minutes, this can help relieve irritation and itching. But also keep in mind that this condition is very contagious, both viral and bacterial.
  • Inflammation of the eyelid : It is also called blepharitis. Their symptoms include inflammation, dryness, and watery eyes. Fennel tea bags can help relieve symptoms.

Tea bags for the eyes: tips against dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes

Woman uses tea bags for eyes
If we cool the tea bags before use, this increases their draining effect.

As we have seen, tea bags on the eyes help against dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes, but also against diseases such as conjunctivitis.

But now we would like to give you a tip against dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes. It is a matter of putting the tea bags in the refrigerator before use and then placing them cold.

The cold stimulates blood circulation and helps drain the fluid around the eyes. That is why you can use the tea bags cold for the eyes. It is enough to stow them in the refrigerator for a few minutes and then place them on the eyes for 10 minutes.

Do you have frequent eye problems? Do you often suffer from dark circles or puffy bags under the eyes? We hope these home remedies help you, but advise you to be very careful with chamomile.

Also, always make sure that the tea bags are tightly closed to your eyes so that their contents do not get in your eyes. Give it a try!

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