The Best Herbs For A Good Sleep

Even if natural remedies usually have few or no contraindications, you should consult a doctor first if you are taking conventional medicines.

The best herbs for a good night's sleep

You turn on one side, then the other … and you can’t sleep well, no matter how hard you try.

Then you look at the clock and notice that the alarm clock will ring in a few minutes, even though you haven’t slept all night! You know what the hard day’s work will look like after a sleepless night.

If this sounds familiar to you, we recommend reading this post  where we recommend various herbs that can help you sleep .

Insomnia: worse than you think

If you don’t sleep so well one night and lie awake for a few hours, but make up for lost sleep the next day with an afternoon nap and then find normal sheep again, that doesn’t matter. However, if insomnia is a regular occurrence and you can only get some sleep now,  then it is time to do something about it.

There are many reasons for insomnia or other sleep disorders. Very often there is a connection with  stress, pressure and nervousness, which prevent you from sleeping longer than 2 hours (if at all) in a row.

bad sleep

Insomnia can lead to secondary problems such as depression, difficulty concentrating, irritability, etc. Although it is not possible to determine an exact sleep time as this varies from person to person, the recommended average sleep time is around 8 hours a day.

The best herbs for a good night’s sleep

To prevent insomnia from developing into a disease and having negative consequences in your life, you can use various herbs to achieve a calming effect that improves the quality of your sleep.

If possible, it is advisable to avoid antidepressants, anxiolytics or other medications. Natural home remedies are best, but you should always check with your doctor about them.

We recommend the following herbs for a better sleep:


  • The root of this plant has long been used to treat various types of sleep disorders.
  • It has a calming effect on the nervous system and thus promotes sleep.
  • This herb is also recommended for stress and anxiety.
Valerian for a good night's sleep

Valerian is not addictive and the only known side effect may be mild stomach upset. It is advisable to drink a cup of valerian tea half an hour before going to bed.

Valerian powder or tablets are also available in health food stores. These are not recommended for pregnant women, even with frequent alcohol consumption and should be avoided before an operation.


This root is also highly effective and can be very useful for sleep disorders.

  • This natural sedative promotes sleep almost immediately after ingestion. Kava tea is also recommended for people who are nervous and anxious.
  • This plant is also non-addictive and usually has no side effects when used in the right dosage.
  • One can drink kava as tea before going to sleep to reap its benefits. If desired, this can be sweetened with a spoon of honey.


Chamomile is one of the most famous nerve-calming medicinal herbs. This is also very useful for stomach pains.

Chamomile has a relaxing effect  and promotes sleep if a tea with this herb is drunk an hour before going to bed. 

Chamomile for a good night's sleep

Lemon balm

This medicinal herb is also very helpful for a wide variety of complaints, and lemon balm can also be very useful for sleep disorders.

  • Melissa reduces nervousness and anxiety and is therefore very useful for people with depression.
  • minimum of 2 cups a day is recommended to reap the benefits.
  • However, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid lemon balm tea.
  • Lemon balm promotes sleep, helps with nausea due to an upset stomach and relaxes the muscles.

    Passion flower

    The pain relieving and calming effects of this herb are also excellent for insomniacs.

    Even with excessive stress, which is often responsible for sleep problems, it is advisable to drink a tea with this herb two hours before going to bed

    You can drink 2-3 cups during the day to calm your nerves. If desired, use honey to sweeten the tea. You should rather avoid white sugar or chemical sweeteners, because these can irritate the nervous system.

    Linden blossom

    On a hectic day when you want to calm down a bit, you immediately think of a linden blossom tea. This medicinal herb is perfect for relieving stress. Have a cup when you get home after a busy day at work.

    Linden blossom for a good night's sleep

    You will need half a teaspoon of dried linden blossom per cup of boiling water.

    There are also tea bags with linden blossom that can be made quickly. This herb also helps relieve stomach pain.


    This plant has a relaxing effect and ensures a deep, long sleep. So if you need sleep, you can take advantage of this property. Poppyseed is one of the most popular remedies for insomnia.

    Simply scald 2 grams of poppy flowers with a cup of boiling water and let it steep for  ten minutes. After that from seven.

    Drink one cup before bed for two consecutive days. It’s best to drink this tea on the weekend, because you may not even hear the alarm clock afterwards.

    Poppy seeds for a good night's sleep

    Incidentally, California poppy seeds are very helpful for those who have trouble falling asleep.

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