Dynamic Stretching Exercises Before Running

Dynamic stretching exercises before running help to reduce the risk of injury. In today’s article, you’ll find an overview of the most recommended stretches for your routine.

Dynamic stretches before running

It’s always a good idea for athletes to do some stretching before running. The reason for this is that running with stiff muscles can cause problems. Keep in mind that just because of its characteristics, warming up before running is not enough. Dynamic stretches support good performance and help prevent injuries.

The stretches that you should do before you run are different from the ones you would normally do after you run. Dynamic stretches, especially the lower body, should become a regular part of your warm-up routine.

Dynamic stretches before running

The best way to stretch to improve your range of motion and prevent injuries during exercise is through dynamic stretches. In fact, according to the latest research, static stretching does not reduce the risk of injury.

Warming up with dynamic stretching for 10 to 15 minutes before running will improve your range of motion and relax your muscles, while increasing your heart rate, body temperature, and blood flow.

Alternating quadriceps and piriformis stretch walk

The Alternate Quadriceps and Piriformis Stretch Walk is a dynamic stretching exercise that targets the quadriceps, glutes, and piriformis muscles while activating all of the lower body muscles.

To do this, stand up straight and bring your left foot to the appropriate side of your buttocks, keeping your knee in line with your hip. Then grab your ankle, but be careful – you won’t be stretching your front muscles properly if your knee goes outward.

Then place your foot back on the ground a little further forward and lift your other foot. Place your ankle at hip level and bring your knee outward. Then lower this foot again, but this time place it a little further behind you. Repeat the process. After a few repetitions, switch sides.

dynamic stretching exercises
Stretching before you run reduces the risk of sports injuries.

Dynamic hips opening stretches are great before running

This stretch focuses on the deep external rotators of the hip. Stand up and bend one knee. Then bring it to chest level and hold it in place with your hand.

Then bring the knee outward, about 90 degrees. Use your hand to stabilize and guide the movement. Bring the knee back to your chest and hold it tight. Repeat this exercise several times, alternating on both sides.

Toe Touch (Frankenstein Walk)

The toe finger exercise, also known as the Frankenstein walk, is a good warm-up exercise before you start running. Because it increases muscular endurance and stretches the thigh and calf muscles. It also activates the hip flexors and quadriceps.

Stand with your arms outstretched in front of you (zombie pose). Then, take a step forward by stretching out one leg and lifting it as high as possible. Now grasp the top of your foot with the other hand. Complete the step and repeat on the other leg.

It is important that you maintain an upright posture during this exercise, use your abdominal muscles and lift your leg as high as possible.

Dynamic stretches: the worm

This is a dynamic warm-up exercise that stresses the entire core of the body and the hamstrings. It’s quite intense and well suited to increasing your body temperature and heart rate.

Start by standing, then bend forward from your hips and put your hands on the floor. Slowly step forward with your hands until you reach an upright plank position – keeping your arms and legs straight. Tilt your pelvis slightly and tense your glutes to further work your core muscles.

From this position, move your hands to your feet – keeping your legs straight as much as possible to get further hamstring stretch. Return to a standing position and repeat the exercise.

Arm circles

Finally, an upper body exercise to dynamically stretch and warm up the chest muscles, deltoids and upper back – all at the same time. First, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Then stretch your arms out sideways with your palms facing down.

From this position, you first make forward and then backward circular movements with your arms. Speed ​​is not important here, the main thing is to open your back and chest with every movement.

dynamic stretching exercises
Don’t neglect stretching your upper body before running – it moves with every step.

Stretching after running makes it safer

It is important to cool down after each running session to gradually restore normal heartbeat and muscle elasticity.

This is because the muscles are warm after a run, so this is an ideal time to do static stretches. Keep in mind that suddenly stopping running to stretch can cause problems – e.g. B. loss of balance.

Also, for effective stretching after running, keep in mind that it cannot be done quickly. Each static stretch should be held for 20 to 30 seconds. Otherwise it will hardly have any effect.

Integrate running into other activities

Keep in mind that stretching after you run doesn’t necessarily improve flexibility. Its main purpose is to restore the elasticity of the muscles. Otherwise, the muscles would shorten, which could lead to problems such as restricted range of motion, cramps, or even muscle imbalances.

Therefore, in addition to the stretching exercises before running, you should do a separate workout to improve your flexibility – for example yoga or Pilates. Such exercises can improve certain aspects of your training that you would not get through running or weight training.

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