How Can You Avoid Back Pain?

Sport and exercise help to strengthen the back muscles and reduce the risk of back pain. For example, swimming, Pilates or yoga are recommended. Choose sports that don’t put too much strain on your back.

How can you avoid back pain?

Almost all of us have suffered from back pain at one point or more . This condition is very common and the second most common reason for sick leave after trauma.

Medical statistics show that 80-90% of the population will suffer from back pain at some point in their life . The reasons for this are quite different, but they are very often found in the work environment.

Some jobs require a lot of physical effort and thus increase the risk of back pain. Office work, on the other hand, also very often leads to pain, as it very often leads to incorrect postures and long periods of sitting.

Back pain is different for everyone and it is not always possible to take precautions. However, if you follow different recommendations, you can save yourself some pain.

Avoid overloading

Too heavy weight on your back is one of the main causes of back pain. Specialists confirm that after carrying heavy loads, many suffer from unpleasant pain.

Strengthening exercises


Exercise and physical activity strengthen the back muscles and reduce the risk of back pain.

Sports that are aggressive for the back are, for example, basketball or ballet. On the other hand, sports such as swimming, Pilates or yoga,  which help to strengthen this area of ​​the body, are recommended  .

It is also important to choose the right footwear, because  exercise with inappropriate shoes can also lead to back pain.

Correct posture

It is of great importance to adopt correct posture, both when sitting and when walking or standing. Make sure that the load is in the lumbar area when sitting and that the back is straight.

When walking or standing, your back should also be straight, avoid bending forward. If you have to bend down to pick something up, it is a good idea to bend your knees so that the weight doesn’t put unnecessary strain on your back.

The right mattress

Make the bed

We rest on the mattress all night, so you should be able to relax on it. However, if the surface is too hard or too soft, back pain is common. It can also lead to sleep disorders. That is why it is important to choose the right mattress.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is essential to prevent back pain as much as possible. Smoking can cause a chronic cough, which can affect the intervertebral discs as well.

Obesity can also put excessive strain on the back and cause pain. Emotional balance is also important, as depression is also associated with various ailments and tensions in the back.

Sleep on your back or on your side


The sleeping position is also of great importance in the prevention of back pain. Because in this position you spend between 6 and 8 hours a day.

It is best to sleep in the supine or sideways position of the fetus. Lying on the stomach is less advisable as it interferes with the normal curvature of the spine and rotates the neck, which is not good for the spine.

avoid stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of back pain, it can arise at work or at home.

The stress creates tension and can hinder the performance of day-to-day obligations. To prevent this, it is advisable to take breaks to breathe deeply. Stretching exercises at least twice a day are also very advisable.

Consult a doctor if you have back pain

Back pain

If you have frequent back pain, you should definitely consult a doctor to clarify the causes and treatment options.

In 3% of those affected, back pain leads to diseases such as lumbago. So if the pain persists it is important to see a doctor to prevent more serious discomfort.

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