How Can One Control Obsessive-compulsive Thoughts?

Physical activity is the best way to free the mind from obsessive thoughts. If you are plagued by recurring thoughts that interfere with your daily activities or interrupt your sleep, a walk in the great outdoors can be very helpful. 

How can one control obsessions?

Everyone knows the situation: the same thoughts keep circling in your head and don’t leave you alone. You can no longer get rid of obsessive thoughts and keep thinking automatically of a certain event: a breakup, said words, wrong behavior, worries …

These obsessive thoughts are an expression of the fact that one has not yet been able to overcome a situation in the past, regardless of whether it was earlier or recently occurred.

Getting rid of these obsessions is not always easy, but a variety of techniques can help.
In today’s post you will find various tips to  free yourself from the recurring thoughts that  limit you and prevent you from enjoying your life.

Control obsessions

Start moving!

To run

If you are constantly plagued by the same thoughts, we recommend that you go outside,  walk or run in the great outdoors if possible  to calm and clear your mind.

It is not necessary to be accompanied by someone, it is often better to come to terms with yourself on your own. Then the thoughts can flow and you can get rid of them better.

Taking a walk allows you to clear your thoughts and see from a different perspective everything that is oppressing your mind.

You will realize that there is no point in wasting your time on these thoughts, because there is probably no solution to it one way or the other.

Useless thoughts

As already mentioned, there is usually no solution for obsessive thoughts that torture you, because they revolve around past events that you can no longer change.

But again and again these thoughts are chewed through and circulated, which affects the mood and affects the quality of life.

Obsessive thoughts

You only suffer unnecessarily, hurt yourself and prevent you from moving forward. Think about whether it makes sense to waste your valuable time on useless thoughts.

During your walk, you can think more clearly and find a way out.

Do you do what you like

Obsessive-compulsive thoughts can be devastating. You don’t enjoy what you’re doing anymore. You no longer enjoy things that you actually enjoy and you close yourself up.

Without being aware of it  , you hide in your comfort zone,  in which your mind is trapped.

In order to escape this dangerous cycle, it is of the utmost importance to get some fresh air, run or walk, think about what you like, what you would like to do.

sad woman

Imagine  that you have no chance tomorrow, that you only have time today to do something.

For example a visit to a museum, a movie in the cinema, a party or a meeting with friends. You can’t put it off! You can force yourself to enjoy life again.

Mindfulness can be very helpful

The practice of mindfulness, stagnated recently also known as Mindfulness known has many merits and you can also help to overcome obsessions.

  • You can use this to reduce your nervousness and start observing your thoughts from a different angle as you learn to let go of them.
  • If you analyze the same situation over and over again, you will get stuck. It’s like the dog biting its own tail.

    That’s because your emotions are the main characters. The cyclone of your thoughts holds you captive and wants to see you suffer.

    To ask for help

    sad woman

    If you can’t do it on your own, it may be a bigger problem or addiction that needs outside help.

    Professional support is always beneficial  and can prevent worse physical or mental discomfort.

    Perhaps an expert can identify deficiency symptoms or other problems that you are not even aware of.

    When you are caught up in obsessions and you can’t find a way out. If this is affecting your productivity and quality of life, then it’s time to get help!

    It is not easy to control the mind. The more you try, the less you can do it. It is important to be clear about  what exactly is behind this. What are the causes and the purpose of these recurring thoughts.

    Most of the time, the obsessions’ only goal is to see you suffer. You have to get rid of it and enjoy life again!

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