What Is So Great About Chia Seeds?

You have probably asked yourself why chia seeds suddenly appear on every corner, even at the discounter. What’s so great about it?

What's so great about chia seeds?

Chia seeds have literally been on everyone’s lips for quite some time. But do you actually know why? Do you know what is special about chia seeds and how to prepare them?

You don’t know and have therefore not bought any chia seeds yet? Then that will change quickly if you read this article!

The Aztecs already knew chia seeds!

The Aztecs in Central America already knew that there is a lot of good in chia seeds! When the Aztecs ruled their great empire, the seeds of the chia plant were among their staple foods. Today, thanks to science, more is known about the benefits of chia seeds.

The seeds belong to a rather inconspicuous plant from the genus of sage plants.

Originally the plant comes from Mexico, which is where its name comes from, but nowadays it is also grown in some countries in Central America, South America and Australia due to the great demand.

Chia seeds are so valuable, among other things, because they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

What’s so great about chia seeds?

Chia seeds have a high nutritional value and are rich in phytochemicals. Therefore, they are also counted among the so-called “superfoods”. 100g of the seeds contain:

  • 21 g protein
  • 38 g carbohydrates (of which 0 g sugar) and
  • 31 g fat (of which 24 g polyunsaturated fatty acids )

The body cannot produce polyunsaturated fatty acids itself, so they are essential. A lack of essential fatty acids leads to various deficiency symptoms such as skin changes (excessive cornification), susceptibility to infection, growth disorders, hair loss and a lack of blood platelets.

The calcium content of chia seeds exceeds that of milk by five times. In addition, the seeds contain 10 times more omega-3s than salmon, 4 times more iron than spinach, 15 times more magnesium than broccoli and 4 times more fiber than flaxseed. Convinced? Then read on how you can use chia seeds for yourself!

Please always raw chia seeds!

It’s easy to make chia and incorporate it into your everyday life. First of all, the most important thing: You should always eat chia seeds raw, so never heat them, otherwise many of the valuable ingredients will be destroyed by the heat!

In addition, the seeds swell and bind a lot of water. So if you have eaten chia seeds, you have to drink a lot to give the seeds liquid to swell!

It is recommended to eat around 15g of chia seeds per day. That’s not much, about a tablespoon or two. Weigh it yourself at home, then you will know the amount you need!

Smoothies, desserts, bread, spreads, salads and soups with chia seeds are only a few possible uses. The more you experiment with chia seeds, the more ideas you get: puddings, jams, cakes, sprinkled as a topping over salad, muesli, soup, vegetables, stew, yoghurt or dessert, they give a crunchy bite and also look beautiful. There’s even chia oil that you can keep experimenting with in the kitchen!

Recipes rich in chia seeds

A basic recipe is the “Chia Gel”, so you always have pre-swollen seeds ready to quickly spice up smoothies or other recipes.

To do this, the seeds are mixed with liquid in a ratio of 1: 6. For example with types of milk or water. After about two hours, everything is swollen to a kind of gel mass and stays fresh in the refrigerator for several days.

In fact, you’ve already used it to prepare your first chia dessert: Use milk as a liquid and sweeten it with honey or other sweeteners. Season with vanilla or cinnamon – and you have your first “chia pudding” ready!

A fruit dessert or fruit spread is also very simple: puree a fruit of your choice, for example strawberries, raspberries, currants or autumn plums and then add the chia seeds in a ratio of 1: 6. After 2 hours of swelling time, you will have a firm fruit pudding that you can also smear on bread!

Chia seeds to drink: chia fresca

What “bubble tea” is to Asians, “Chia fresca” is to Mexicans. A refreshing drink that tastes best in summer and is rich in chia seeds!

Simply put two teaspoons of chia seeds with 300ml of ice-cold water in a glass and taste the whole thing with lime juice and a sweetener.

Add a few ice cubes – and your new summer drink is ready! Not only does it taste fresh, it looks great too! Warning: you should serve the drink relatively quickly after preparation, otherwise the seeds will start to swell and your drink will become slimy!

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