Fit In The Head: 5 Memory Exercises

Memory exercises not only help you to understand concepts better and to process new information quickly. They also increase the ability to concentrate. This is how you can keep your brain young longer.

Fit in the head: 5 memory exercises

Surely you also think quite often that you should train your body. But it is often forgotten that the memory also needs regular training. If you would like to increase your concentration and understand or fix concepts better, then you have come to the right place with our memory exercises.

Read on and discover how you can easily get fit in your head!

Memory exercises help keep the brain active. However, every now and then, in the course of time, you stop learning, reading or acquiring knowledge … In short, you no longer present your memory with challenges that would train it and keep it in shape.

For this reason, here are 5 great memory exercises that will keep you and your brain fit. So you will stay young in your head for a long time. Here we go!

1. Go through the day again in the evening

You know what? You used to go over the material for school or the next day’s exam before you went to sleep, right? This was exactly an excellent way to train your memory! But over time, after finishing school or work, we all lose this habit.

You don’t necessarily have to be learning anything to do this memory exercise. In the evening you just go over in your head what you’ve been doing all day. It is enough to remember what happened or what you ate.

Diary as a memory exercise

It often helps to keep a diary. Because that’s how you do this little workout every day. Maybe you think that won’t do anything. But in fact, going over the day’s experiences every evening is an excellent memory exercise.

2. Memory exercises : create mental maps

How is your spatial memory doing? It is difficult for many people to remember the places they have been or to orientate oneself. If that’s your case too, this tip can help you. Creating mental maps is one of the memory exercises that will help you find your way around.

All you have to do is try the following: Every time you visit a new place, you draw a kind of map of the way from that place home. This not only trains your spatial, but also your visual memory. You will see that this exercise is really effective!

3. Use your nondominant hand

Are you right or left handed? One of the most fun memory exercises is this one. In doing so, you perform all the actions that you normally do with your dominant hand with the other. For example, if you’re right-handed, try left-handed typing or left-handed brushing your teeth.

Of course, this is not easy for you at the beginning! But that’s completely normal. At first, it is difficult and exhausting to use the hand that you do not normally use. Nonetheless, that is exactly what is positive. Because that’s the way your brain works and trains.

4. Change your daily habits

It may seem like nothing to you. But by changing your daily habits, you are giving your brain a kind of wake-up call. It’s actually about little things like: Go down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Or choose a different route to work.

All of these will improve your attention span and keep your mind awake. This is a good thing because it will expose your brain to new things. When you do everyday things that you have become used to, you automatically forget to pay attention to your surroundings.

Climbing stairs as a memory exercise

However, if you choose a new route to work, for example, it means that you need to think about whether it will actually lead you to your place of work. You need to be careful not to get lost or lost.

This exercise can also be combined with another: When you get home, you can draw up a little map of the routes you have covered.

5. Learn something new every day

The last of the memory exercises doesn’t mean you have to take a class to learn something. There are many things in your everyday life that can help you learn something new every day.

For example, you can try memorizing a new phone number. Or the address of the friend you have to keep asking for because you never remember. This not only teaches you something new. These things also make your life easier in general.

Have you ever done exercises like this to improve your memory? Which ones helped you the best? Of course there are many more. For example, you can do Sudoku. Or use certain apps that are good for brain training.

Remember, if you do these memory exercises regularly, you can really make a world of difference. It depends on whether you forget everything too easily or whether you remember things well. Exercise, whether physical or mental, always brings you benefits. So how about giving it a try?

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