The 4 Best Types Of Cereal For Breakfast

Oats allow us to start the day with energy, as this cereal supplies the body with vitamins. It also contains valuable fiber, which promotes intestinal peristalsis and has a filling effect.

The 4 best cereals for breakfast

Grains are extremely important in any diet. You can consume this for breakfast in the morning. Many choose not to do so, thinking that cereals contain too many calories and sugar. But different types of grain are excellent for breakfast.

They provide the necessary energy and still do not make you fat. It is important that the consumption is balanced and that the grain is consumed in combination with a varied, balanced diet.

Learn more about the best types of grain for breakfast in this post .

Why are cereals recommended for breakfast?

You can safely eat cereals for breakfast, your health will thank you. Below we list various advantages:

  • Grains are rich in vitamins and minerals and are perfect for both adults and children.
  • Grains are an excellent source of energy and are therefore particularly recommended for breakfast.
  • It is an important and healthy part of a balanced diet. When consumed correctly, the grain can help regulate  weight.
  • Grains contain carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Also, grains are high in fiber, which makes them very helpful in preventing constipation.
  • Cereals help regulate blood sugar levels.
  • It maintains intestinal health.
  • Grains are recommended for stomach and intestinal problems.

There are many different ways to eat cereals: seeds, bread, flour and the classic breakfast cereals, which are available in a wide variety of varieties. However, caution is advised here, because not all cereal products are really healthy:

  • Avoid cereals with dyes. Although these are very attractive for children, they are not recommended.
  • Also, avoid grains with sugar.
  • Many packs contain dried fruit, chocolate, or dried fruit. However, if you want to lose weight, these products are not advisable. They usually contain a lot of calories and should therefore only be consumed in moderation.
  • Cereals with chocolate or honey usually also contain a lot of sugar and should therefore be avoided.

The best cereals for breakfast

After 6 to 8 hours without food, the organism needs nutrients and energy to cope with daily activities. Below we list the four best grains that are perfect for a healthy breakfast.

Whole rye


Rye is  one of the best types of grain. We recommend, for example, a rye toast with plum, orange or blueberry jam (without sugar!). A natural yoghurt and tea go well with it. This is a nutritious, filling breakfast.

  • Rye provides valuable fiber that contains very few calories (significantly more fiber than wheat, for example).
  • This type of grain contains vitamin A and folic acid.
  • Rye helps cleanse the blood and reduces bad cholesterol.

2. Buckwheat


Buckwheat is a knotweed family and is therefore only a pseudo-grain, but it is used like other grains and has excellent health-promoting properties:

  • This type of grain is rich in linoleic acid (omega 3), minerals (such as iron and copper) and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and folic acid).
  • This plant is particularly known for its high magnesium  content, this mineral is essential for the correct absorption of calcium.
  • It also protects the liver, it helps in the synthesis of vitamins and also in the purification of harmful substances.
  • It speeds up metabolism and fat burning. It can also be used to regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Buckwheat also helps reduce bad cholesterol.
  • This pseudo-grain is used for many types of bread. It can also be cooked similar to rice or oatmeal.

    3. Oats


    Oat flakes are simply delicious in all kinds of variations. This is a “superfood” that should not be missing in any kitchen. 

    Oatmeal can be eaten for breakfast with sliced ​​apples, strawberries or grapes, for example. Who could resist this? Oatmeal has the following health-promoting properties:

    • Oatmeal is rich in vitamins and amino acids that protect the liver and heart.
    • They also contain valuable fiber, which stimulates bowel movement and prevents constipation.
    • Oatmeal is also recommended for diabetics.
    • They contain many proteins that help regenerate tissues.
    • Plus, they also contain iodine, which is good for taking care of the thyroid glands.
    • Oatmeal works great against bad cholesterol.

    4. Barley

    You can prepare delicious mousse with barley and fruits, as you can see on the cover picture. There is also barley bread, which is delicious and healthy for breakfast.

    • The barley is one of the best types of grain against bad cholesterol. Then just eat barley for breakfast every day for a month!
    • Whole grain or barley is the healthiest. You can find these in the supermarket or in health food stores.

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