11 Strategies For Promoting Intelligence

Intelligence has a hereditary component, but it can also be increased by various strategies. Here you will find various tips for promoting intelligence.

11 strategies to promote intelligence

Traditionally, intelligence has been viewed as an independent property closely related to cognitive and language skills. However, experts have shown that it is a much broader construct. To promote intelligence so you need to improve a wide range of skills.

Intelligence could be defined as the ability to assert oneself successfully in one’s environment. The smartest people are those who have the flexibility to adapt to change and respond to the demands of the environment. Here are some strategies to help you increase your general intelligence.

Sleep well and adequately

Strategies to Boost Intelligence: Get Adequate Sleep
Good sleep quality is essential for information processing!

Furthermore, the brain recharges its batteries and subconsciously works on problem solving in matters that concern you.  Therefore, getting enough sleep and a good quality of sleep are essential aspects for your brain to be efficient.

Personal hygiene to improve your intelligence

Of course, you know how important a balanced, healthy diet and exercise are for your health. But did you also know that these two aspects affect your intelligence? For example, it has been shown that a diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals can improve alertness, concentration and memory. It is also very important in preventing cognitive decline.

Physical exercise has also proven to be very important in developing intellectual skills. This improves blood circulation and thus also the oxygen and glucose supply to the brain. That is why it is very important for your intelligence to exercise regularly.

Strategies to Promote Intelligence

Like the muscles of the body, the brain must be exercised regularly so that it does not lose its performance. In order to develop intelligence, you should therefore face new challenges in order to improve your cognitive capacities.

Take ten minutes every day to solve activities such as puzzles, sudokus or riddles and to be mentally active. There are also many applications for cell phones, tablets or computers that can make this task easier for you.

Try to get deeper knowledge

In school, children are judged on their performance, but they quickly forget a large part of the knowledge because they do not acquire in-depth knowledge. To promote intelligence, you should therefore go in-depth, actively work out information and put it into practice. You should try to understand how the world works in order to move around it more efficiently.

Write and repeat what you have learned

Strategies to Promote Intelligence
Active learning enables you to consolidate your knowledge.

Writing is an excellent way to consolidate knowledge. You actively deal with the knowledge once again and can reread it at any time in order to fix the information in your  memory.

Do something new every day to improve your intelligence

The daily routine provides support and a pleasant feeling of security. However, in the end you only act on autopilot. It is therefore advisable to plan small changes in your everyday life in order to keep you awake and active. Change different ways of doing things: for example, you can take a different route to work, try to make new friends, or enroll in different courses that you enjoy.

Read every day

Reading is an excellent habit  for improving language skills and promoting creativity. You can also use it to promote social and emotional intelligence, as you have to put yourself in the shoes of the main characters in the various stories. It’s also a perfect activity to delve deeper into various topics of your interest, satisfy your curiosity, and open your mind.

Holding on to ideas to promote intelligence

When you start feeding your mind with new information and habits, it will suddenly be much more active. Your creativity will improve and you will develop many new and original thoughts!

Write down the ideas that you particularly like so that you can come back to them later, hone them and give them shape. It’s a new way of opening your mind.

Do things differently

Strategies to Promote Intelligence: Exercise
Try new activities or change your routine to improve your intelligence.

When we learn an efficient way to get things done, we tend to  repeat the same steps blindly, because why change something when it works so well?

But looking for new ways and possibilities helps our brain to build  new neural connections. We therefore recommend that you use the non-dominant hand for everyday activities, for example, as this can be very stimulating. For example, if you are right-handed, try cleaning or eating with your left hand.

Talk to yourself and question yourself

Do you think that talking alone is crazy? That is far from reality. It is a healthy exercise that you can use to develop your intelligence.

If you think out loud about your turmoil, thoughts and emotions,  you can process them more deeply and find new strategies for solving them. So get into the habit of talking to yourself and questioning your thoughts in order to become more psychologically flexible.

Learn a new language to boost intelligence

Finally, we recommend that you learn a new language to develop your cognitive skills. Bilingualism improves verbal expression, attention, concentration and memory. On the other hand, a new language opens up a new world for you and changes your perspective and scope.

Promoting intelligence: is it possible?

To be smarter, you definitely need to train and nourish your brain, face new challenges, and be active. The worst enemies of brain plasticity are routine and convenience. You should therefore incorporate small changes into your everyday life.

Do not forget that intelligence is not only a value that can be measured, but also helps you to prove yourself successfully in everyday life. Definitely worth working on!

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