Treating Anemia Naturally During Pregnancy

The occurrence of anemia during pregnancy can lead to deficiency symptoms and growth complications for the fetus. Therefore, treating anemia is critical to preventing health complications. Learn more about some natural remedies to treat anemia during pregnancy in this article!

Treating anemia naturally during pregnancy

Anemia is a condition caused by a lack of iron in the blood or low levels of vitamin B12. Low red blood cell counts can also cause anemia during pregnancy.

In addition, hereditary factors can also cause anemia. When this happens, these prevent the body from producing adequate levels of red blood cells. With anemia, the body has to work harder for the oxygen that the organs and tissues need. As a result, there were health problems and fatigue.

So, in this article, we’ll take a look at some natural remedies for treating anemia during pregnancy.

What you need to know about treating anemia during pregnancy

Hereditary factors can cause women to develop anemia during pregnancy. That means they don’t have enough hemoglobin in their blood. As you can imagine, this deficiency can also affect pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells decrease. This is because of a process called “hemodilution”. This process dilutes the components that are transferred as nutrients for the fetus to grow.

Therefore, it is important that pregnant women know how to eat to avoid these types of pregnancy complications. Treating anemia during pregnancy is important for both expectant mothers and their babies.

Guarantee a healthy pregnancy through the right preventive care

During pregnancy , the fetus is dependent on blood vessels. In the case of anemia, the mother’s body has to work harder to meet these needs, which could affect the fetus.

As a result , the development of the fetus may be impaired and there is also a risk that the fetus may develop health problems.

The possible complications of anemia can include premature birth or low birth weight of the baby.

Therefore, to prevent anemia, pregnant women should eat a diet that contains foods rich in B vitamins and iron, such as:

  • flesh
  • fish
  • Eggs
  • Grains
  • Green vegetables

Anemia During Pregnancy: Recommended Foods

Fight anemia during pregnancy with grains and green vegetables

Here are a few examples of foods you should eat during pregnancy:

  • Drink three cups of milk a day to treat anemia. Milk is a rich source of nutrients and vitamins in Groups A, B, and C. They help the body make blood.
  • Prepare a few oat dishes and eat three to four cups a day. Oats provide the body with fiber and help the fetus become strong and healthy.
  • As mentioned earlier, you should eat fish frequently (preferably tuna, sardines, salmon, or cod) to get vitamin B, which the body needs for hemodilution.
  • Replace carbonated drinks with tomato juice. Because this can provide you with vitamins from groups E and C.
  • Eating cereal and granola is also a great way to get iron. Grains and nuts not only contain important nutrients for the blood, they also provide the body with plenty of fiber.

Enjoy smoothies to treat anemia during pregnancy

Smoothies help to treat anemia during pregnancy

1. Smoothie with strawberries, blackberries and apple


  • 5 large strawberries
  • 1 apple
  • 5 blackberries
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • First wash the fruit. Then put them in a blender along with the cup of water and the tablespoon of honey.
  • Blend the ingredients for 5 to 10 minutes  until the mixture is the same color everywhere.
  • Then strain the juice and enjoy it.
  • You can drink this juice once or twice a day.

2. Apple and guava juice


  • 1 red apple (organic quality!)
  • 2 guavas
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 cup of water


  • First wash the apple, but don’t peel it. 
  • Next, cut the guavas in half. Then remove the pulp.
  • Then put the fruits in a blender. If you want, add the skin of a guava to the mixture for a thicker consistency of the juice.
  • Then add the honey and the cup of water. Then blend the ingredients for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Finally, strain and enjoy.
  • Drink this smoothie in the morning and after lunch.

3. Carrot, beet and watercress juice


  • 4 carrots
  • 2 cups of watercress (80g)
  • 1 beet


  • First, wash and peel the carrots and turnips.
  • Then wash the watercress and put it in a blender along with the other vegetables. Blend the ingredients for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Then strain and enjoy.
  • Drink a glass of this juice two or three times a day for minerals like iron.

Remember that if the signs of anemia persist, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Or you can let your midwife know about it at your next pregnancy check-up.

Try adding the above foods to your diet to treat anemia during pregnancy. By doing this, you will help your body produce more blood and thin the blood more efficiently. At the same time, you are also helping your baby to develop healthily.

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