10 Filling Foods For Healthy Weight Loss

The pineapple has a strong cleansing effect and helps with water retention. You can have fresh pineapple juice with breakfast or after a large meal to help burn fat.

10 filling foods for healthy weight loss

The goal of losing weight is often not easy. There are no miracle cures and everyone knows that only will and perseverance will bring the desired results. It is important to lose weight in a healthy way – highly filling foods can also help.

Because if the number of calories is reduced, it often leads to increased hunger – satiating foods help to breastfeed it for a longer period of time. In this post, you’ll find 10 filling foods that can help you lose weight.

Filling foods

1. Oatmeal


Oatmeal is a filling food and a perfect way to start the new day. They  help with healthy and balanced weight loss.

  • Oatmeal contains valuable fiber.
  • They are filling and satisfying, so you won’t need any snacks in between.
  • Oatmeal provides minerals and B vitamins.
  • They reduce bad cholesterol, care for the heart, and also regulate blood sugar levels.

That’s why it’s a good idea to include oatmeal in every breakfast – they will help you lose weight!

2. Green apple

green apple shake

We have already reported on the numerous benefits of green apples. Among other things, they are perfect for shedding a few extra pounds.

Green apples help regulate blood sugar and speed up your metabolism. It is important to consume this with the peel (in organic quality!),  Because this contains pectin, which has particularly valuable properties.

You can eat a green apple every time you get hungry. So you don’t need any other fattening snacks between meals. Apples also taste wonderful!

3. Pineapple


The pineapple is also a perfect fruit for weight loss. You can eat these at any time of the day: a juice for breakfast, a  salad with pineapple, spinach and nuts  for lunch or baked chicken breast with pineapple for dinner.

The pineapple contains the valuable active ingredient bromelain, an enzyme that has an anti-inflammatory effect and then helps to eliminate harmful substances and excess fluid.

4. Salmon


Salmon should not be missing in the nutrition plan either. Its advantages include:

  • This fish is rich in nutrients but low in calories.
  • Salmon is characterized by numerous vitamins and minerals (for example iron, iodine, vitamins A and D).
  • It contains valuable omega-3 fatty acids that help you lose weight.

5. Dark chocolate

black chocolate

Does chocolate help you lose weight? Yes, but only dark chocolate with the highest possible cocoa content and without milk.

This chocolate is very filling and contains minerals and antioxidants – chocolate is also one of the greatest culinary delights. You can have some dark chocolate with the oatmeal for breakfast.

Do not forget  that it should not be more than approx. 28 g daily!

6. Avocado


Half an avocado a day is sufficient – you can eat this in salads or for breakfast to achieve a pleasant feeling of fullness.

The  Nutrition Journal  cited the avocado as one of the best foods to prevent cravings for a snack, especially when eaten at breakfast.

However, you shouldn’t eat more than half an avocado a day as it is high in calories. However, with moderate consumption, you can reap the many benefits of this fruit.

7. Chicken eggs


We have already reported on the properties and benefits of chicken eggs in various articles. They have a very filling effect and are therefore also recommended in a weight loss diet. Hard-boiled eggs  are best  as they do not contain any extra fat or calories.

You can combine eggs with mushrooms, for example, which are also filling. An egg tastes delicious even with a seared chicken breast fillet with a little mustard!

8. Legumes


Legumes are very filling and can be prepared in many ways. For example, we recommend a chickpea salad with spinach, sliced ​​hard-boiled egg and pieces of tomato.

This will satisfy your hunger for a while and you will not need any unhealthy snacks.

9. Capsaicin


If you like it hot, chillies are also a perfect choice. They also have a filling effect. They also contain capsaicin,  which stimulates the metabolism and promotes fat burning.  Incidentally, this also has a pain-relieving effect.

You can use it to curb your appetite and prepare delicious dishes.

10. The best vegetables against hunger

tomato broccoli

Tomatoes, broccoli and  kale are also ideal in a weight loss diet. These can be eaten raw or steamed.

They taste delicious, for example, as a salad or with whole grain rice. Not only your figure, but also your general health will benefit from it! Enojy your meal!

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