6 Habits To Protect Your Skin From Cancer

Skin cancer has been increasing for a number of years, which is why appropriate preventive measures such as sun protection, regular check-ups or dietary supplements are very important. 

6 habits to protect your skin from cancer

As is well known, excessive sun exposure can cause skin cancer. People with fair skin or a genetic predisposition are particularly at risk. But we all have to protect ourselves, because the number of skin cancers has increased in recent years. We therefore recommend that you adopt different habits to protect your skin today!

You will then find six helpful tips for prevention. We should all be aware of the dangers of excessive solar radiation and avoid known risk factors as much as possible. 

6 habits to protect your skin from cancer

1. Sun protection

Habits to protect your skin from cancer 
Daily use of sunscreen is very important in preventing skin cancer. Choose the right sun protection factor depending on the situation and skin type!

In recent years, the population has been largely informed about the importance of sun protection through preventive campaigns. The substances contained in sun cream form a protective film on the skin that reflects harmful radiation. So it makes the UV radiation harmless. Don’t forget that a good sunscreen should always protect against UV-A and UV-B rays.

Despite the information campaigns, the number of skin cancers has increased in recent years. Therefore, further preventive measures are of the utmost importance in order to protect yourself efficiently.

2. Lotions with antioxidants

A study by  Duke University Medical Center  shows that  sunscreens are effective, but not the perfect skin protection. The researchers point out that this is because they are often misused, their spectrum is incomplete, and they also contain toxic substances.

They suggest various antioxidants as a  supplement to external sun protection. Scientific literature shows that these can also protect your skin against cancer. Recommended antioxidants include the following.

  • vitamin C
  • Vitamin E.
  • selenium
  • zinc
  • Silymarin
  • Soy isoflavones
  • Polyphenols in tea

3. Regular check-ups to protect your skin

Regular check-ups to protect your skin
Regular checkups are very important in order to quickly identify possible risks.

Get regular exams to quickly identify any signs or risks. This is especially important if you belong to a risk group:

  • Genetic predisposition (family members with melanoma)
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Phototype I or II
  • Genetic risk of skin cancer
  • Smoker
  • Patient with HIV, HPV (human papillomavirus), or polyomavirus

4. Be careful with certain medications

We also have to consider another, often unknown, factor. Some drugs increase sensitivity to light and can therefore also increase the risk of skin cancer.

These drugs include, for example:

  • Tetracyclines (especially doxicylin)
  • Thiazide diuretics
  • Sulfonamides
  • Fluoroquinolones
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Retinoids
  • Johannis herbs

You can always ask your doctor or pharmacist whether certain medications you are taking make you more sensitive to light. If treatment cannot be changed, special sun exposure precautions are very important. 

5. Oral supplements

Protecting your skin from cancer with oral supplements
Dietary supplements or a conscious diet can provide you with nutrients that help protect your skin from harmful solar radiation.

We have already talked about the topical use of antioxidants. However, these and other nutrients can also be very beneficial in preventing skin cancer through diet. You can also supply your organism with food supplements as required. The effectiveness of certain nutrients in skin cancer prevention has been scientifically confirmed.

These nutrients are part of any healthy diet and should not only be seen as a preventative measure against skin cancer. Always let your doctor inform you to be on the safe side!

Then you will find a short list of nutrients that are very important. You can easily get these through your diet:

  • Vitamin A: liver, carrots, spinach, dairy products, pumpkin, eggs
  • Vitamin E: olive oil, sunflower oil, almonds, pine trees, Brazil nuts, dried apricots, spinach, quinoa, oysters
  • Selenium : Brazil nuts, tuna, oysters, sesame, eggs
  • Vitamin C: acerola, paprika, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis
  • Essential fatty acids: blue fish, linseed oil, evening primrose oil, avocado
  • Resveratrol:  grape juice or wine, peanuts, dark chocolate, blueberries

6. Other factors to protect your skin

Last but not least, you shouldn’t forget  that sun exposure isn’t the only thing that can lead to skin cancer. The risk of skin cancer can also be increased in the tanning salon or by certain chemicals (for example in various professions).

Follow all important precautionary measures. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, you should, for example, wear appropriate clothing and sunglasses and of course don’t forget to put on sunscreen.

Toxic habits such as smoking or a poor diet are also harmful to the skin. In addition, to protect your skin, you must not forget the preventive examinations!

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