10 Possible Causes Of Body Pain

Body pain is a common symptom that can be triggered by a wide variety of causes. It can be harmless, temporary pain, but it could also be hiding serious medical conditions, such as a chronic autoimmune disease, that affect the quality of life. Find out more about this topic today. 

10 possible causes of body pain

There are numerous and very diverse causes  that can trigger body  pain. It is a multifaceted symptom that is present in almost every condition. That is why it is very often a reason to see a doctor.

Body pain is defined as a subjective experience with emotional effects and a poorer quality of life,  which not only has a negative effect on the patient himself, but also on his fellow human beings. This is especially the case with chronic suffering.

The development of the pain is often acute, for example in the case of infections, whereby the pain is limited in time. However, they can also be present over a longer period of time or be chronic. Today you will learn interesting facts about 10 possible causes that often trigger body pain.

The 10 most common causes of body pain

The 10 most common causes of body pain 
Influenza usually causes uncomfortable pain all over the body, keeping people tied to bed.

1. Flu and body aches

Influenza or real flu is an acute illness of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus A or B. It mainly occurs in the cold season. Influenza knows no borders, this viral disease spreads regularly all over the world. 

The infection process is self-limited and not complicated. However, it is often fatal in people in the risk group. These include people with chronic illnesses and immunodeficiency. Therefore, the annual vaccination is recommended as a preventive measure.

If there are no complications, the illness usually lasts a week or a little longer. Symptoms include respiratory problems such as a sore throat and cough with sputum, fever, headache, muscle pain and weakness. An infection of the throat, throat, chest, or lungs can be painful.

2. Fibromyalgia

This chronic disease is the number one cause of generalized body pain. Round 2% to 8% of the population suffers from it. The muscle and joint pain is often accompanied by fatigue, memory problems, and insomnia. The etiology is unknown. 

This disease is more common in women between 20 and 55  However, the physical examination did not reveal any abnormalities. Only the soft tissues are generally more sensitive to pain. Laboratory test and x-rays are very important for diagnosis.

The aim of treatment is to reduce the main symptoms of this disorder. Come for it  various pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are used. Psychological treatment is also very important.

3. Chronic fatigue syndrome and body pain

The causes that trigger chronic fatigue syndrome have not yet been adequately researched. This chronic condition makes itself felt in various parts of the body and severely restricts the patient’s activities.

Diagnosis is often late or complicated because there are no studies to confirm the disease. People with chronic fatigue syndrome  often complain of headaches, muscle aches and various joint pains.

The Nacional Academy of Sciences has established various diagnostic criteria to evaluate this disease: The ability to participate in professional, academic, social or personal activities must be severely limited. This condition must last for at least six months and be accompanied by great tiredness, which cannot be remedied by getting enough sleep.

4. Lupus erythematosus

The autoimmune disease lupus  erythematosus (LE) is chronic and the causes have not yet been fully researched. It can affect any organ in the body and is not restricted to a specific system. Common symptoms of this disease are inflammation and body pain.

In addition, there is often fatigue,  Rashes, fever, swelling, redness around the joints, cramps and sensitivity to light.  Treatment is complex because the response to the medication is very different.

5. Lyme disease and body pain

Lymeborreliosis or Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks. It causes skin injuries in the form of migratory erythema (red spots on the skin). Pain arises in the large joints. In addition, those affected suffer from fatigue, headaches and Muscle problems, such as stinging.

6. Pfeiffer glandular fever

Pfeiffer glandular fever or infectious mononucleosis is a disease that is triggered by the Epstein-Barr virus. One often speaks of the kiss sickness, because  it is transmitted through the saliva. 

Symptoms are fever, pharyngitis, fatigue, swollen ganglia, headache, general malaise, and generalized body pain. It is a self-limited disease, but the exhaustion of the physical reserves is very pronounced. During the height of the disease, it is impossible to carry out basic activities.

7. Rheumatoid arthritis and body pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic disease of unknown origin. Autoimmune diseases are known to be responsible, but the triggers that cause symptoms are very diverse.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the joints suffer most, and in a symmetrical way. Gradually, this type of arthritis destroys the joints and leads to deformation. In addition to body pain, sufferers also experiment fatigue, myalgia, weight loss, and depression. The chronic course of the disease includes acute episodes and treatment is not straightforward.

8. Multiple sclerosis

In this case, it is a disease in which the myelin sheath of the nerves is damaged. This autoimmune disease is one of the most common pathologies of the central nervous system. 

People experience body pain, tingling, and other abnormal sensations. Other symptoms include weakness, exhaustion, blurred vision, temporary or permanent blindness, difficulty walking or standing, and impaired memory.

9. Dehydration and body aches

Dehydration occurs  when the body loses a lot of fluid and it is not replaced by drinking in time. This can be caused by vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, or diuretic medication. Children and the elderly are in the risk group. 

The body fluids are essential for a well-functioning body. If there is not enough water in the body, a variety of symptoms can arise: excessive thirst, low urine, dry mouth, chapped lips, confusion and fatigue. Body pain can also be the result, because the muscles generate toxic substances due to the lack of fluid, which irritate the nerve endings. 

body ache
Muscle pain can have a variety of causes, ranging from autoimmune diseases to drug-induced myopathies.

10. Medicinal myopathies

There is a long list of drugs, often prescribed by a doctor, but also abused as drugs, that can cause myopathy (muscle disorders). The symptoms manifest themselves as (sometimes slight) muscle pain, weakness or serious, chronic injuries  with bilateral kidney failure.

Examples of such drugs and drugs are: alcohol, cocaine, glucocorticoids, statins, antipsychotics, colchicine or antiretroviral drugs. This side effect does not always occur, but one must be careful with these drugs.

Body pain has many causes

The causes of body pain are so varied that it would be impossible to list them all. We have therefore only mentioned a small selection of very common diseases that lead to pain and from which many suffer.

If you have persistent body aches and pains that cannot be explained, it is important to get a medical exam. It is very important to track down the causes and initiate appropriate therapy. Avoid self-medication and let your doctor help you!

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