9 Deceptive Foods Better To Avoid When Dieting

If you want the diet to have a real effect, it is always better to prepare your own food. Because ready-made salads or drinks from the cooling shelf often contain a lot of hidden calories

9 deceptive foods to avoid when dieting

If you want to go on a diet, not everything is as it first appears.

For example, there are foods that are not as high in calories as they appear at first glance. But it is also certain that there are foods that contain large amounts of calories. This also includes those from whom one would not initially expect it.

Today we present you with a list of products that you should be more careful about. Because among them there are some deceptive foods that are better avoided in a diet .

Because especially when you are on a diet, you usually tend to consume certain foods. At first they appear low in calories, light or particularly healthy.

However, there is another truth that is not known to us. So it can easily happen that the consumption of these foods is counterproductive for the desired weight loss.

1. Sushi in a diet


Many still believe that sushi is low in calories. In addition, sushi is known to be very healthy. But be careful, because there are many key differences in sushi. 

  • For example, you should avoid the rolls with spicy mayonnaise, fried tempura or sushi with cream cheese. All of these contain large amounts of fat.
  • Then there are the sauces, which are often served with sushi. Here it is best to go for the light version or forego fried sushi.

2. Granola

Even if granola is very healthy. It is clear that this is not a recommended food if you are trying to lose weight. Because granola contains large amounts of calories.

  • So you have to be clear that you should only consume granola consciously. You should pay attention to small amounts and combine it with exercise of medium to high intensity.

3. Caesar salad


Be careful with salads. Because among them there are some deceptive variants. The large proportion of lettuce leaves does not mean that they are less high in calories. One example among them is the famous Caesar salad.

  • It is a dish that has large amounts of calories. Starting with the small pieces of bread, the yellow cheese and the sauce. It all adds up to a high-calorie mix that is better avoided while on a diet.
  • It is better to use a salad based on tomatoes, lettuce leaves, asparagus and corn, dressed with olive oil.

4. Granular granola bars

Great care should be taken with granola bars. Because although they initially appear particularly healthy and low in calories, they are certainly not.

  • Just like granola, commercial granola bars are high in calories. As long as you are on a diet, you should not overdo it.
  • In addition, they contain trans fats, polyunsaturated fats, refined sugars and hydrogenated oils. Other reasons to avoid this food better.

    5. Whole wheat bread

    Whole grain bread

    One should not believe that eating whole grain bread will result in fewer calories than eating white flour products.

    • Whole grain bread contains the same amount of calories as bread made from white flour. 
    • The difference is that whole grain bread contains more fiber. These promote digestion and speed up the passage through the intestines. But that’s all.

    6. Isotonic drinks

    Isotonic drinks are ideal for athletes. Because they help to replace the salts and minerals lost through sweat during an intensive workout.

    However, the amount of sugar they contain also entails a large amount of calories. So better avoid it or use alternatives without sugar.

    7. Pickled pickles


    Cucumbers are a great ally when you are on a diet. But with pickled pickles it is different. Because it is clear that this form of preparation contains large amounts of sodium (which means salt).

    Salt isn’t just bad for your health. In addition, it also leads to fluid retention and swelling up the body.

    8. Dried banana

    The banana is a fruit with a high content of sugar. While it is very healthy to consume fruits, there are some of them that are better avoided. Otherwise they can be counterproductive to weight loss.

    This is the case with dried bananas. These are often found in muesli. However, one serving already has 441 calories.

    9. Shakes


    Not all shakes are healthy. So it is better to exercise caution here.

    The same applies to shakes as to dried bananas. If you want to consume fruits, it is better to eat them whole.

    • Some smoothies contain sweeteners or large amounts of sugar. There are also other ingredients such as yogurt or ice cream.
    • All of this is not conducive to the “diet”.
    • So if you still want to have shakes, it is better to use homemade drinks. The fruit itself should be the basis of the drink and you get a cleansing smoothie.
    • In addition, you should of course not add sugar, cream, chocolate or the like if you want to have a healthy drink.

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