The Best Ingredients For A Very Healthy Breakfast

The first meal of the day can have a major impact on your daily performance.

The best ingredients for a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After sleeping, you need nutrients and energy to start the day fit and to be productive. But what does a healthy breakfast  look like  ? We will investigate this question in today’s article.

There are many benefits to having a healthy breakfast every day:

  • After the long break, your metabolism gets going.
  • More endorphin (happiness hormone) is produced.
  • Your mood, productivity and creativity improve.

In addition, a very healthy breakfast reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It also reduces stress and anxiety.

The habit of eating breakfast is the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. If the first meal of the day is too small or contains too much sugar, you will get hungry again in the morning. A serving of protein and healthy sweeteners, on the other hand, will keep you full until lunch. 

Breakfast is essential for children. This can improve attentiveness and the ability to learn. In addition, breakfast has a positive influence on the mood.

Ingredients for a healthy breakfast

A very healthy breakfast should consist of plenty of protein, grain products and fruits. These foods help activate your body.

Cereal products

Cereal products and strawberries for a healthy breakfast
  • Oatmeal is one of the healthiest ingredients for breakfast. A bowl of oatmeal will keep you full and aid your digestion. They contain potassium and omega-3 fatty acids. They also have a positive effect on your heart health.
  • Grain products give your body the carbohydrates it needs. Due to their complex properties, they are not digested as quickly as normal carbohydrates. This leads to a longer lasting feeling of satiety.

A slice of grain bread or a bowl of whole grain muesli are recommended. Dried fruits and nuts as well as raisins and almonds are also good substitutes.


Milk or dairy products

Dairy products for a very healthy breakfast

Despite the discussions about the consumption of dairy products, milk is an optimal part of a good breakfast. It’s important to choose products that are good for your digestion: yogurt, cottage cheese, or cream cheese. Richer dairy products inhibit your digestion and your performance.

Plant-based milk is more nutritious than cow’s milk. These products contain many vitamins and minerals. They also have a lower fat content and are easier to digest.

You can choose between almond, rice and oat milk or you can  even make it yourself.

Fruit smoothies are also a great choice for breakfast. They can be refined with oatmeal or another cereal product. They are also perfect for a quick breakfast on the go.


Proteins for a healthy breakfast

Protein for breakfast will keep you feeling full longer. It will also decrease your carbohydrate cravings.

  • Whole grain toast with a little chicken or turkey is very healthy. Boiled or scrambled eggs are therefore another recommended option on the menu.
  • Some like protein smoothies for breakfast. However, attention should be paid to the ingredients. Many of these drinks are very high in fat and sugar.

Fruit for a very healthy breakfast

Fruits for a very healthy breakfast

Your breakfast should include a serving of fruit. You can enjoy it as an accompaniment to muesli, in a smoothie recipe or simply on its own. Fruits provide your body with the sugar it needs. The sweet taste also helps to prevent hunger pangs later on. Fruits are also rich in vitamins and minerals.


Other very healthy foods

  • Bananas are rich in potassium and are therefore very suitable as a mid-morning snack. They also go well with granola and yogurt.
  • Coffee is a morning pick-me-up. It gives the body drive and stimulates the metabolism. Too much coffee, however, causes anxiety and insomnia.
  • Plant-based butter adds flavor to breakfast. We therefore recommend peanut butter on whole grain bread or almond butter with a serving of fruit.


Foods to Avoid at Breakfast

  • Simple carbohydrates: found in pastries and sweet breads. These foods don’t give you a lot of energy despite the high carbohydrates. 
  • Too much sugar and dairy products: Sugar does not contain any nutrients. Too many dairy products can cause digestive problems.
  • Saturated fats: Promote weight gain and digestive problems.


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