Bags Under The Eyes: What Can You Do About It?

Everyone has bags under the eyes, but what is it actually?

Bags under the eyes: what can you do about it?

Bags  under the eyes: According to the common opinion of many women, they should be inconspicuous or even invisible if possible.

Swollen or generally visible bags under the eyes are perceived as a flaw against which various tips, tricks and beauty products are used. But what helps and what are bags under the eyes really? We give an overview.

Bags under the eyes

The name “bags under the eyes” is misleading because many people think that the tears that one shed when crying, for example, are formed in the bags under the eyes.

It’s a funny idea, but it has nothing to do with reality. Rather, the bags under the eyes are a “sewer” that ensures that the eye is drained.

When we cry, for example, tear fluid is drained into the nose through the bags under the eyes, which means that our noses always run when we cry.

Bags under the eyes are completely invisible because they run in a bone canal. What you always mean when you speak of “bags under the eyes ” are swollen areas of the tissue that surrounds the eye.

Strictly speaking, it is lymphedema, i.e. tissue fluid that is temporarily or permanently stored there.

In old age, the connective tissue slackens and the so-called “bags under the eyes” (which are not at all!) Become visible.

These are mostly visibly slack muscles or fat pads that are no longer supported by tight connective tissue and thus stand out visibly.

These are unavoidable, it is part of aging that the connective tissue (not only in the face!) Loses strength and stability.

Bags under the eyes

How can you prevent it?

Age-related slackening of the connective tissue cannot be prevented; the process can only be slowed down by being careful not to damage the connective tissue or to accelerate its aging. Therefore, you should avoid the following things:

  • Strong sunlight (UV light damages the connective tissue)
  • Heavy rubbing (which can lead to small tears in the connective tissue)
  • Frequent swelling of the lower eyelid skin (from crying, alcohol, lack of sleep, etc.)
  • Obesity (to minimize protruding fat under the connective tissue)

A healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, adequate hydration, a healthy diet and UV protection for the skin not only slows down the aging process around the eyes, but also the entire body.

So it’s worth it in every way!

Eye bags

Causes of Puffy Eyes

If you look in the mirror in the morning and discover “bags under the eyes” on your face, you should think about what you ate, drank or did during the lecture.

If you avoid the causes in the future, “puffy bags under the eyes” will also be a thing of the past. Reasons can be:

Salty / sweet food

Salt and sugar can cause water retention. Because you lie horizontally at night, the lymph (tissue fluid) cannot follow gravity and also accumulates around the eyes.

Therefore, avoid eating salty or sweet foods in the evening and make sure to place your head a little higher.

Alcohol and bags under the eyes

Alcohol is a cell toxin and causes water to be retained in the erectile tissue of the face. The proverbial “Suffkopp” is really visible!

If you have had too much of a glass of wine or beer in the evening, the body reacts to the cell poison with a kind of “emergency program” and stores water. What can be done about it? Pay attention to your alcohol consumption!


If you can rule out all of the above causes, there could be a disease behind them.

High blood pressure, for example, or thyroid diseases and especially serious diseases of the heart or kidneys! Make sure to have this clarified by the doctor!


What helps in the short term?

If your “bags under the eyes” are a short-term phenomenon because you looked too deeply into the glass, slept too briefly or for other reasons stored water around your eyes, the following tips can help you:

Cucumber slices

Do you have a cucumber in your fridge? Great! Cut two slices of it and place them on your eyes until it no longer cools. Then you cut off two more slices – until the eyes are puffy.

The cold causes the vessels to contract and at the same time the cucumber supplies your skin around the eyes with refreshing moisture.

Cold tea bags

The tannins from the tea ensure that the vessels of the skin contract and water is washed out. If the used black tea bags were previously in the refrigerator overnight, the coolness still supports the effect.


Large amounts of fluids in the morning (for example water, lemon water or tea) get the lymph flow going again.

This in turn ensures that the excess water around your eyes is effectively transported away. But it should be at least half a liter!

Cold spoons

If you always put a couple of tablespoons in the fridge, you’ll have a small emergency ice cream on hand in the morning.

Just put the cold tablespoon on your eyes! If the spoons were in the freezer, please do not place them directly on the delicate skin of your eyes – this could cause frostbite!

Then place a thin linen or cotton cloth between the ice cream spoon and your eye. After approx. 10 minutes the eyes should look “going out” again!

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