Flat Feet: Origin And Correction

Flat feet usually not only look different, but can also cause pain. However, there are ways to correct them. Custom-made insoles are often used.

Flat feet usually not only look different, but can also cause pain. However, there are ways to correct them. Custom-made insoles are often used.

It is characteristic of flat feet that the sole of the affected person’s foot rests almost completely on the floor when standing. This means that the foot lacks the natural longitudinal arch. This misalignment differs from the so-called hollow foot.

Flat feet are common. It is believed that around 20 percent of the world’s population have this. They arise in childhood or as people get older. In general, there will be no pain, but it cannot be ruled out.

The main problem with flat feet is that they may lead to further misalignments and thus have a negative effect on the ankles and knees. Therefore, in this article we explain how they arise exactly and how to correct them.

How do flat feet develop?

It is normal to have flat feet in childhood because the arch of the foot has only developed over time. However, for some people this never happens. This doesn’t have to be a problem.

Furthermore, they can only appear in later years, in which case only one foot is usually affected. This can be caused by the aging process as well as excessive stress on the foot, injuries or illnesses. All of these cases result in pain in the tendons that help arch the foot.

On the other hand, there are certain factors that increase the risk of flat feet. These include obesity, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis as well as those mentioned above.

A study conducted at the University of Chile confirms that eating habits are linked to an increase in the prevalence of flat feet in children. Obesity is associated with morphological changes in the foot among those aged six to ten.

For this reason, it is important to pay attention to nutrition, especially in children. Obesity can affect the development of your skeleton and muscles.

What are the symptoms of flat feet?

Most people with flat feet have no symptoms. However, some experience pain that can occur inside the leg. In the event of a misalignment, the pain may spread to the ankles or knees.

An axial misalignment of the knee joint, also known as the knock knees or in the medical field as genu valgum, is often typical. This is also an aesthetic problem, as knock-knees are easy to spot.

Other possible symptoms are tired and heavy legs. It can be exhausting to run. In some cases, the back is also affected.

How can flat feet be corrected?

If flat feet are accompanied by pain, there are various therapy options for relief.

  • Stretching exercises: These will help in cases where the Achilles tendon is shorter than normal.
  • Shoes with support: These can reduce the pain. They are also more comfortable than those with little support.
  • Orthopedic aids: They give the arch of the foot more stability. Some are available without a prescription, but can also be made to order. Thus, they adapt to the individual foot contour.

In children, the flat feet should ideally be corrected through special exercises. From the age of four, however, insoles are usually used that improve the arching of the foot.

In principle, surgical intervention is also conceivable. However, this should only be carried out in particularly complicated cases. This applies, for example, to people who also have a tendon tear.

Physiotherapy is suitable for athletes especially since flat feet are often caused by injuries due to overuse in running or other sports. Physical therapists and trainers can avoid the problem by changing the specific techniques.


Having flat feet is not uncommon and usually does not cause any major discomfort. If there is still pain, there are various therapy options to remedy the situation. In any case, a doctor should be consulted for this.

The pain can be relieved with medication. However, stretching and physical therapy are more effective in the long run. Also, in the case of obesity, it is recommended to lose weight.

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