Recipe Ideas For Classic Rice Pudding

Rice pudding can also be prepared in an extremely sophisticated way, as our recipes show

Recipe ideas for the classic rice pudding

We all know the classic rice pudding from our childhood. As adults, however, we usually only cook it if we want to make children happy with it. Rice pudding is also suitable as a main meal for adults and is not as boring as we know it from childhood!

Is rice the same as rice?

If you want to prepare this classic, make sure that you are using the right rice for it. You can only achieve a nice, creamy result with the right grains of rice! Only use short grain rice, never long grain rice!

During the cooking process, short grain rice releases its starch into the milk, which makes the finished dish nice and creamy. If you don’t have any rice in the house that explicitly says “Rice pudding” on the packaging, “Risotto rice” or “ Arborio rice ” will do the same .

The rice pudding can be eaten warm in winter or served chilled in summer. It is also suitable as a dessert or for baking cakes.

In some countries, rice pudding, similar to porridge, is also served for breakfast. We have some recipe ideas for you, try them out!

Basic recipe for the classic rice pudding

rice pudding

The basic recipe is always the same and you always need:

  • 200g rice pudding
  • 1l liquid
  • Sweeteners to taste (sugar, honey, sweetener, …)

The preparation is always the same:

  • Bring the liquid to a boil, then stir in the rice.
  • Let the whole thing boil briefly before turning down the stove.
  • Stir occasionally. The rice pudding likes to burn, so stir it well or remove it from the plate and keep it warm with a cloth. 
  • Then let it swell for about 40 minutes. The better the pot that is used keeps the heat, the easier it is!

Coconut rice pudding

Coconut for rice pudding

This exotic variation of the classic rice pudding goes well with fresh strawberries or raspberries, but also with other types of fruit. You need:

  • 500ml coconut water
  • 500ml coconut milk
  • 200g rice pudding
  • 50g desiccated coconut
  • Coconut cream (if available)

Be careful with the sweet, because coconut water and coconut milk are already sweet! Cook the rice with the desiccated coconut as usual.

Before serving, pull the coconut cream into the rice and then decorate with more desiccated coconut.

Coconut cream consists of finely ground coconut pulp and is available in health food stores. Alternatively, you can also use coconut spread (also from the health food store). Then you are not allowed to sweeten beforehand!

Almond rice pudding

Almond milk for rice pudding

Almonds go very well with cherries or rhubarb compote. Apricots, mirabelle plums or plums also go very well with it! You need:

  • 1l almond milk
  • 200g rice pudding
  • Sliced ​​almonds or sliced ​​almonds
  • Possibly marzipan

If the almond milk is already sweetened, you don’t have to add sweetening!

Prepare the rice as usual and sprinkle with toasted almond slivers or flaked almonds before serving.

Do you like the food particularly sweet, almondy and creamy? Then stir half a pack of marzipan with some warm milk into a cream that you fold into the rice pudding before serving.

Rice pudding cake

strawberries for rice pudding

This cake is low in fat and quick to prepare because it has no base. It tastes particularly good when chilled. Note that it takes twice as long to get cold! You need:

  • 750ml milk
  • 150g rice pudding
  • 120g sugar or other equivalent sweetener
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 120g sour cream
  • Red fruit, e.g. strawberries
  • 1 pack of cake toppings

First, cook a classic rice pudding from milk, vanilla sugar and rice and let it cool down completely.

Once the rice has cooled, separate the eggs and whip the egg whites until stiff. Then stir the three egg yolks with the sugar until frothy and then add the sour cream. Then stir this mixture into the rice.

Finally, fold the egg white into the mixture and bake in a springform pan at 160 degrees for at least an hour.

Then let the cake cool down and then top it with fruit, which you fix with cake icing. A deliciously refreshing, low-fat summer cake!

Winter rice pudding

Rice pudding 2

This recipe tastes wonderful in winter, as a dessert or main course, with apple compote, plum jam, bananas or oranges! It’s very simple and you need:

  • 1l milk
  • 200g rice pudding
  • 1 handful of raisins
  • ginger bread spice
  • honey

First, prepare the rice as you normally would. However, use honey for sweetening and cook gingerbread spices  and raisins  as desired to get a wintry, Christmas flavor.

Banana rice pudding

Banana for rice pudding

A quick version of the classic rice pudding with an extra helping of fruit:

  • 1l milk
  • 200g rice pudding
  • some honey
  • 2 bananas

First prepare the rice according to the basic recipe, but don’t sweeten it yet. Then puree two bananas to a pulp and then sweeten the dish depending on how ripe the banana is. As soon as the dessert is ready, fold in the banana puree. Finally sprinkle with cinnamon and serve.

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